
Advertising-The Simple Methods Still Work with Payday, Car Title and Gold

Remember – the simple stuff still works! In the age of the Internet, IPads, smart phones, PPC programs like Google and Bing, text messaging, blogging, click-to-call, yada, yada, yada… the offline marketing channels still work great! This is true for both brick-n-mortar and online payday loan, cash advance, “pink-slip (car title) loans, scrap gold buyers and more.

Specifics? We have a location near a freeway off-ramp. We put up a highway billboard with a large graphic of one of our founders, a pot-of-gold and a simple call to action. After implementing the new billboard one week, we increased our weekly scrap gold purchases 30% and increased our store net revenue (on the gold side) from $4000/week to $5200/week. Scrap gold buys and revenues continue to increase! Our “out-of-pocket” costs are less than $300/month.

The point? Don’t forget the basics! Simple works!!
Leave a comment! What do you think? What’s working/not working for you?


Payday Loan-Matt Lauer NBC Payday Loans Not All Bad

Slowly, regulators, the media and other attack dogs are beginning to comprehend what payday loan consumers have known for years. That is, payday loan type products make sense under certain circumstances. Sure, they can be abused. So can credit cards. But no one has suggested credit cards be banned from the market place. Although my peers have expressed surprise at the “balanced” coverage NBC’s Matt Lauer and crew gave the payday loan industry, I’m not! I talk to these people every day. The winds of change are sweeping across the payday loan landscape. Bare through the pain of the commercial in this video and see for yourself. If you’re a payday loan fan, you will be pleased. Matt Lauer NBC Payday Loan coverage.


Video-Banks In Cahoots With Payday Loan Businesses

Payday loans and banks?  I like this! It’s worth watching no matter how you feel about banks, the payday loan industry, making money…The financial numbers quoted in this video are a bit skewed, a little dated and are meant as an attack on banks and the payday loan industry but check it out and leave a comment.


State of the Payday Loan Industry Today

Here’s a quick summary of what’s going on in the micro-lending space today!

The Internet side is growing 30% – 35%. There is a constant influx of newer, younger customers accessing short-term lending products. They’re coming to us via the Internet and their phone. Rather than cannibalizing the stores, the Internet is bringing new customers to our services. A majority of these consumers have not appeared in our data bases before. Of course, Internet loans = higher default rates (double) but fixed costs are considerably lower. The keys to success here? SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), smart lead buying, analytics, use of offline marketing strategies…

Sure, there are still millions of consumers entering payday loan stores all over the world! However, there’s a huge number of tech savvy, younger consumers entering the work force in search of “quick-n-easy” access to cash via technology.

Millions of new consumers graduate from high school and college every year. Many of them get jobs in spite of what you’re hearing in the media. And it doesn’t matter whether they’re in the USA, Canada, the UK, Poland, Finland, the AU… they tend to spend more than they make – it’s human nature!

For those customers that have already used our products, nothing has changed for them either. Consumers are facing higher costs for goods and services. Wages are flat to stagnating. They need money now! The ALICE demographic continues to grow.

Example? I got a call today from a lady in Virginia. She works for the department of education. She was sobbing because she needed cash to get her prescription. The problem? She had paid off her payday loan with a licensed lender in Virginia but she had not yet been removed from the Virginia state data base. She chose to get a loan to solve this challenge via the Internet! Multiply this experience by millions and you’ll begin to understand our industry and our customer.

The “in-home loan model” is going strong! The payday loan product is offered and serviced at the consumer’s home. This is particularly pronounced in the UK and the Scandinavian market. We’re seeing this develop in the USA car title lending market and payday loans to a lesser extent. It’s a growing trend!

The world wide pawn/ collateralized loan segment is growing dramatically. Pawn shops are experiencing record profits and growth in revenue. Typical monthly fees for these collateralized loans run in the high teens. Cloud based pawn software and internet transactions are beginning to appear in this segment as well. We’ve had a number of creative entrepreneurs reach out to us lately for help in reaching potential franchisees/investors or introducing new solutions for operators in the pawn business.

Scrap gold jewelry buying is going through the roof! We have clients netting over $50K per year in some very competitive markets. If you aren’t in this space yet, FIGURE IT OUT!

Regarding acquisitions? The lack of liquidity is creating a pipeline of realistic sellers. Very sophisticated money is on the prowl for partners who offer local expertise and opportunities for growth in markets that are new to them.

The bottom line? There has never been more opportunity in our space! Growth is world-wide. What should you do? Research! Figure out what you and your Team bring. Choose the right partners. Develop your “secret sauce.”
Consult, analyze, adjust, and implement. Then REPEAT!
Questions? Call me: Jer 702-208-6736


Texas CSO Credit Services Organization Transition to CAB Credit Access Business, January 1, 2012

If you have an interest in the Texas payday loan CSO Credit Services Organization transition to the new CAB Credit Access Business Model read on! Delete this now if not!!

Texas (CSO) Credit Service Organizations are facing a new phase of payday loan regulation as they are forced to transition to the Credit Access Business (CAB) model.

Texas has mandated several new requirements to obtain this new CAB license. As a result, many existing CSO’s are scrambling to make the January 1, 2012 deadline for implementation.

A new company called C.A.B Consulting & Brokerage, formed by a group of highly experienced payday loan executives (full disclosure: In addition to Michael Brown, Jer  with Trihouse is one of the founding members :o), is now available to help you with this transition!

C.A.B Consulting and Brokerage is the most informed consultancy in the payday loan – micro-lending space regarding the new Texas CAB laws. C.A.B.’s strategy is to focus exclusively on assisting existing CSO’s and new CAB’s through this transition. offers free information, packets, manuals, consultant arrangements and a Credit Access Business Blog. Contact C.A.B today to discuss options and transition services to move your business into this new era of lending in Texas. Sign up for the Newsletter via Email or an RSS feed for daily posts.

If you’re lending in Texas now, or you plan to enter the Texas micro-lending space, you need this new C.A.B. resource!

Michael Brown
Jer Ayles-Ayler
C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage
“Compliance, Capital, and Collections”

Email Michael:
Call Michael: 214-293-8676
Fax Michael: 888-561-0986