

Jer Trihouse PicBy Jer Trihouse: Raj Date, a former director of The CFPB has formed a consultancy to focus on bank sponsored payday loan/small dollar loan products. He’s quoted as saying, “Is it a product that is expensive because it can be? Because overdraft sets a price umbrella, and traditional payday sets a price umbrella,” so banks say, ” ‘Whatever, just a little bit lower than that.’ But that doesn’t mean that pricing won’t come in if there’s competition.”

In the piece at American Banker, Mr. Date goes on to say, “Developing a better short-term loan is “the single most promising thing” in the portion of the consumer financial industry that serves low-income and other financially underserved customers.”

In essence, Mr. Date states that he thinks banks are simply charging more than they need to. Banks have the luxury of having a “captured customer, access to more credit data decisioning tools, superior marketing tools and lower fraud costs and a much lower cost of capital.” (He’s certainly correct regarding his last point! Banks can access capital from the Fed for less than 1%!) “So, there is nothing about the product that isn’t cheaper than the alternatives, overdraft and traditional payday.”

There’s just one point Mr. Date fails to acknowledge. A bank cannot compete with a nimble, entrepreneurial enterprise employing the multitude of credit decisioning tools already available to small dollar lenders, employment of social media, 24/7 loan proceed delivery channels, smart phone web site presence and most importantly, the millions of relationships we small dollar loan providers already enjoy with our customers.

Read the entire American Banker piece here: EX-CFPB Director launches Payday Loan Consultancy



Turn mobile phone traffic into store foot trafficStore operators in the payday loan business, car title lending, cash for gold, BHPH, etc. don’t get this: YOU MUST figure out the mobile marketing challenge you face TODAY. Customer’s are “looking” for you on their phones. If your biz looks like crap on their phone, you just lost another customer!

I’m NOT suggesting you invest $1000’s of bucks on a “full-on” mobile friendly web site that processes customer applications, captures their bank acct. info, nabs their SS#… Hell, today, store owners don’t even need a traditional website! Go check out a company FOCUSED on building phone friendly websites for our industry. It’s $200 one-time!

What’s one customer worth to you? Just enable a customer to FIND you on their phone and “click-to-call” your store or find your location on Google Maps!

Get started at This is a “no-brainer!” Enable your next customer to call, email or text your store.

And call to thank me when you get that new customer! I’m serious!! Jer – Trihouse


Payday Loan Marketing Ideas

Don’t Give Up On Email.

Yeah sure, we’re huge fans of serving our customers via traditional websites, mobile websites, blogs, TV, radio, direct mail… If you’re a Lender or a Vendor, you’d better be using all these channels to compete.

Email? Many of our clients have been discounting email lately. Everything they hear and read is focused on mobile, social and text messaging. Knuckleheads who pontificate about the decline of email “open rates” and “don’t have a dog in the hunt” discourage building your brand and “touching” your customers via email.

start car title loan businessHOGWASH! Build your LIST. Lead your clients to your website, your Facebook page, your Twitter account…Train your employees to capture your customer’s contact info; EVERYTHING! And DON’T FORGET to share ALL YOUR company info as well.

The message? Don’t give-up on email. Let your client choose what works best for them. Allow your client to embrace you as tight as they like :o)


Texas CSO-Cab Payday Loan Business

Hello All – as of Monday 5/27 the Regular Session of the 83rd Texas Legislature closed.  As you may know, there were no Credit Access Business bills passed and regulations remain the same as they were prior to the Session.  A “Special Session” was called and there are only a handful of topics reported to be up for discussion, namely Redistricting.

Going back to February when our group became involved, we have learned much about how the process works in Austin, and also understand first hand that smaller Credit Access Businesses can make a difference.  The small business owner-operator/entrepreneur in Texas has a lot to say, and fortunately for us we had an audience this Session with many Representatives and Senators at the Capitol who listened.

We now have some breathing room and freedom to operate without concern of implementing the long list of regulations & rules we saw proposed in many bills this Spring.  However, the concern over local City Ordinances remains, and our group should remain mobilized and informed about how we can work against the spread of these burdensome and impractical restrictions.

Our group has the opportunity to prepare for next Session which begins January 2015.  We’ll need to work against City Ordinances as mentioned, and also now it will be wise to address many of the issues we saw brought up by industry opponents, such as: “Cycle of Debt,” Income thresholds for loan amounts, refinance limits, and extended payment plans.  Planning ahead and staying focused on what we know our opponent’s arguments might be in 2015, will serve us well in the future.

Efforts are underway to finalize an operator Compliance/Education/PR Program that will hopefully command the attention of Lawmakers, Regulators, and Consumer Advocates, and accomplish the objective of getting our Industry ahead of the curve next time around.  Updates on the progress of this program, called Borrow Smart, will be sent out when available with a possible roll-out date in July 2013.

Michael B.

Michael Brown
C.A.B. Consulting


Email Michael:
Call Michael: 214-293-8676



Payday loan customers access our products via a multitude of channels. Old-school methods still work :o) Jer TrihousePayday Loan Marketing Ideas