
Iowa Payday Loan, Check Casher, Rent to Own, Buy here pay Here Association Forming

ATTENTION all Iowa Check Cashing/Paydayloan, BuyHerePayHere Car Stores, Rent-to Own and PawnStore Operators!!!

Several of us in the industry are banding together to fight proposed regulations which will put many of our stores out of existence.  Several legislators in the state of Iowa are proposing new regulations on our industries which will effectively kill many of our businesses.  Make no mistake all our industries whether it is PaydayLoans, Check Cashing, Rent-To-Own, Buy Here Pay Here Car Lots, and Pawn Stores will eventually be under attack.  It won’t be just the Payday loan industry.  Overzealous legislators will be attacking all industries that operate in the sub/near-prime credit world.  Your Businesses and the thousands of Jobs and millions in revenue they have created are at risk.  Do not leave it up to the “Big Guys,” like Mister Money, Rent-a-Center, Check Into Cash and Advance America to fight it alone they need everyone’s help!  The first meeting of the minds will be held on September 23rd in Cedar Rapids Iowa at the Third Base Restaurant at Noon.  Here is the address:
Third Base Brewery
500 Blairs Ferry Rd NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Just west of the intersection of Blairs Ferry Rd NE and C Ave

Hope to see many of you there,
Jamie Smith
President of PaydayPartners Inc.


Payday Loan, Deferred Deposit and Check Cashing Laws Kentucky

Kentucky Check casher laws change

The laws governing check cashing in Kentucky have changed.

Some pro-visions of House Bill 444 took effect June 25. However, most of the provisions take effect Jan. 1, 2010, as specified in the bill. Changes include legal definitions, rules for licensing, enforcement and company requirements.

The 10-year moratorium on new check cashers began July 1. At this time, Kentucky has around 750 check cashers. While new licenses may not be issued, current licenses are transfer-able or assignable, subject to approval by DFI.

DFI is procuring a database that will be operational by July 1, 2010. With real-time access through an Internet connection, check cashers will be able to verify a customer’s eligibility to make a deferred deposit transaction. The Finance and Administration Cabinet will select a vendor to build the database after soliciting proposals. The request for proposal (RFP) may be accessed at
For more information on the changes brought by HB 444, visit


Payday Loan, Title Loan & Consumer Loan Affiliate Programs: Making Big Bucks on the Internet

How to Start a Consumer Loan Business: Installment lending, car title loan lending, payday loan lending, personal loan business

Click This Image for Some Light Reading 🙂 Over Your Weekend!

The Business of Lending Money to the Masses: Installment lending, car title loan lending, payday loans, line-of-credit lending… So, I get a phone call today from some guy in Denver. He tells me his name is Leo. Leo is interested in setting up a web site business to sell payday loan leads, car title loan leads, personal loan leads, installment loan leads and loan applications. Leo explains that he really doesn’t have the cash to actually “fund”  loans at the present time but he does want to enter the consumer loan space, get familiar with the business of lending money to consumers, and start off making money by joining an affiliate program.

Consumer loan affiliate programs

What? You don’t know what a consumer affiliate program is? No problem! Affiliate Marketing is an Internet-based marketing practice in which a business, often called a merchant, rewards their affiliates, often called partners, for each visitor or customer brought to the business or merchant’s web site by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

For example, let’s say ZeroParallel, a payday loan and consumer loan lead generator company has an affiliate program. They are willing to pay those of us having consumer loan oriented web sites to “feed” visitors from our lead gen web site to the ZeroParallel web site. For each web site visitor we send to, we are paid an affiliate commission. The fees we earn as the web site owner can be structured many ways. Typically, for payday loan leads, we might be paid $3 – $150 for each application actually submitted by our web site visitors “fed” to the ZeroParallel website. And, if ZeroParallel actually funds the applicant or sells the lead we might be paid an additional $20+ each!

So… if we set up a very basic web site and are capable of sending hundreds or thousands of our web site visitors to the ZeroParallel web site we could earn thousands of dollars every month while we lounge in our underwear!

Did you know that the search term “payday loan” was searched on more than 1,000,000 times just last month! “Fast cash loan” was searched 210M times last month! And that’s just Let’s not forget Bing, Yahoo and all the other search engines out there. That’s a LOT of people wanting to get a consumer loan last month!

Now, the key to getting paid for all these  loan customers sent to ZeroParallel’s web site is to be able to accurately track these visitors and their actions! Today, this is easy! And better, it’s FREE! There are companies that can track all this data and transactions for you! And they charge you, the Affiliate Nothing! Zero! Nada! No cost to the affiliate! They get their fees from the ZeroParallel’s of the world; the consumer loan funding companies that are willing to pay for loan applications so they can fund the loans.

By the way, this is a great way to enter the consumer lending space without having to spend thousands of dollars. After all, you don’t have to immediately begin funding consumer loans. And just like insurance applications or mortgage applications, consumer loan applications submitted by real, live, breathing loan customers are extremely valuable!

Think about it!

A typical consumer loan customer who applies for and receives 3 payday loans per year for ten years is worth a minimum of $2400.
(Conservatively, a payday loan customer gets 3 ea $400 payday loans at $20/$100 loaned = $80 in fees per loan X 3 times/yr = $240/yr X 10 years = $2400 life time value. [Actually, in regards to payday loan borrowers, the average is 6 loans per year. Installment loan borrowers generally have much higher loan principals spread out over 6 months+.]

Add on late fees, their family and friend referrals, etc. and each customer is worth $3000 or more AT A MINIMUM!)

So… in the case of the payday loan product for example, why wouldn’t a payday loan merchant be happy to pay $55 or more to you, a payday loan oriented web site owner for a good customer? Of course they would beg you to take their cash! They would see this transaction as a trade of $55 for $3000 over 10 years! And probably much more since the new, happy customer you just sent from your web site to the payday loan merchant has friends and family they will refer; at $3000 per head!

This strategy works for all kinds of consumer loans. Payday loans [single payment loans], installment loans, car title loans, personal loans… doesn’t matter!

All for a one-time payment to you for $55!

And by the way. If you can learn to do this in the payday loan industry do you think you could do it in other industries as well?

Maybe loan modifications? Long term care insurance leads? Car loans? Mortgages? Refi’s? What industry or niche do you currently have knowledge about? Does this niche need more customers?

HELL YEAH! Who doesn’t need more customers today?

What do you need to get started? KNOWLEDGE! Where can you get it? Simply “Google” the search phrase: fill in the blank _____. For example, “Payday loan affiliate program.” Visit Commission Invest some time learning about this opportunity and then TAKE ACTION. Rinse! Repeat!

Shameless plug… Order our “The Business of Lending Money to the Masses” here: We discuss all aspects of making money in the payday loan space. Installment loans, line of credit lending, payday loans, car title loans… Everything you need to know, from choosing a domain name, selecting a web site hosting company, getting a web site built easily and at a cost of $0 to $250 depending on how much you’re willing to do yourself, how to rank well in search engines, how to find a good, free affiliate program, how to find an affiliate management company to keep your statistics and make certain you get paid like clockwork every month for your leads, and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

So, if the thought of making significant money, on automatic pilot excites you, head over to: and invest in yourself and our “Make Money Lending Money Bible”

It’s all laid out for you!

What our “Business of Lending Money to the Masses” Course does is teach you step-by-step how to use the Internet to make money in the consumer loan niche. We can set you free from being one of the “clueless mob” of entrepreneurs and small business owners out there…

… and deliver to you –  on a silver platter –  the missing link to finally being one of the few “clued in” Internet marketers…

… for whom Internet money making success is simply the systematic application of a few obvious steps.

The keywords to consider are: “SIMPLE” – “SYSTEM” – “OBVIOUS.”

One last thought… we don’t want you to think this system requires no effort on your part. You’re going to have to work! There’s a lot to learn. Using the Internet to make significant money is certainly something you can achieve BUT you’ll have to study our material and DO IT! You’ll have to take action!! This can hurt. You’ll be faced with making a choice between watching a great movie on your large screen TV or studying our Course to learn how to drive more payday loan customers to your new web site to make more money.

Is it worth it to you, all this pain? We think not taking action is even more painful. Because, if you follow the crowd and continue to sit back and consume rather than learn to create, you’re going to be sitting in the same exact spot you are now:


How does this feel? Does it hurt? Do you feel the pain? Do you want to make it go away? Yes? Then pay the price and change your life! And, if our system doesn’t grab you, PLEASE find something that does and take a new path all the way to achieve success for YOU!

Order our “The Business of Lending Money to the Masses here:


More consumer loan affiliate programs in no particular order. DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE! & the Team at Trihouse Payday Loans
email us:
Knowledge Store
Car Title Loans

How to Start a Consumer Loan Business: Installment lending, car title loan lending, payday loan lending, personal loan business

Click This Image for Some Light Reading 🙂 Over Your Weekend!


Payday Loans, Government Subsidies and the FDIC’s Small-Dollar Loan Pilot Program

What a joke! The FDIC’s Small-Dollar Loan Pilot Program!

First they state, “It’s a two year study to illustrate how banks
can profitably offer affordable small dollar loans as an
alternative to high-cost credit products, such as payday loans and
fee-based overdraft protection.”

In the next paragraph they write, “Only a few participating banks
have indicated that short-term profitability is the primary goal for
their small-dollar loan programs.”

“Only a few participating banks have indicated that short-term
profitability is the primary goal for their small-dollar loan
programs. Rather, most pilot banks are using the small-dollar loan
product as a cornerstone for long-term relationship-building that
also creates good-will in the community. Moreover, a few banks’
business models focus exclusively on building goodwill and generating
an opportunity for positive Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

“Regardless of business model, all of the banks have indicated that
small-dollar lending is something they believe they should be doing
to serve their communities.”

So… in other words if the banks in the study didn’t have to deal
with the CRA or have the possibility of feeding these small-dollar
customers to the bank’s over-draft fees and NSF fees products they
would not touch these customers. “There is no profit in actual
small-dollar loans for them!”

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The FDIC Small-Loan Pilot Program featured the following:
The primary loan product features described in the SDL Guidelines
include the following:

– Loan amounts up to $1,000

– Payment periods beyond a single paycheck cycle

– Annual percentage rates (APRs) below 36 percent

– Low or no origination fees

– Streamlined underwriting

– Prompt loan application processing

– Automatic savings component

– Access to financial education

In addition, while several participating banks require automatic
savings linked to small-­dollar loans, others encourage but do not
require savings.

They go on to say, “Given the small size of SDLs (Small Dollar
Loans) and to a lesser extent, NSDLs (Non-Small Dollar Loans), the
interest income and fees generated are often not sufficient to achieve
short-term profitability. Nevertheless, banks with existing programs
have been able to generate long-term profitability through volume and
by using the SDL and NSDL products to cross-sell additional products.”

The above statement makes a lot of sense – NOT! “The interest
income and fees generated are not sufficient to achieve short-term
profitability… banks have been able to generate long-term profitability
through volume…”

So, I guess that means if I sell loaves of bread at $1.00 each and
each loaf costs me $1.50 each I’ll achieve long-term profitability
by increasing my bread loaf sales volume? No, that can’t be right!
Oh wait! I get it. If I received a bank charter from the government
and in order to continue to receive low interest rate government
money I must keep my local consumer protectionist (CRL) off my butt
then I’ll lose money on every loaf of bread BUT long-term I’ll move my
bread customers to my higher priced cup cakes (over draft fees and
NSF fees).

Or, maybe my strategy is to sell my bread loaves at a loss until all
my bread competitors are gone? Then I own the entire bread market (no more
payday loans available so the only micro-loans available are via NSF’s
and overdraft fees from the banks)?

Now, let’s get back to, “Nevertheless, banks with existing programs
have been able to generate long-term profitability through volume
and by using the SDL and NSDL products to cross-sell additional
products.” And what are “these cross-sell additional products?”
“The most commonly cross-sold products were checking accounts.”

Now we’re back to overdraft and NSF fees! WOW! WHAT A SURPRISE!

We know from previous studies, NOT SPONSORED BY CRL of course, NSF fees average $28.23,
according to .

Moebs Services, an economic research firm, estimates that NSF fees
See “Why Banks and Credit Unions Hate Payday Loans” at


Here’s a typical case study of this FDIC Pilot Program as
implemented by Citizens Trust. “Beginning in early 2008, through its
Columbus office only, Citizens Trust Bank targeted military personnel
at Fort Benning exclusively for its SDL product. After several months
of advertising in the Bayonet, the Fort Benning newspaper, and airing
radio advertisements, the bank originated only a few of the military
targeted SDLs.”

“Originations were hampered by competition from programs offered on
the military base that had already gained a large share of the market
among Fort Benning consumers.”

Did you pick up on this? “Originations were hampered by
How @#$%$%%^% ridiculous! The Citizens product
didn’t appeal to the military personnel. They preferred payday loans!
Why you ask? Look at this!

“As a result of low loan volumes, management decided to
significantly change its program by expanding the target market
beyond military personnel to include the general public. In December
2008, the bank began offering a new small-dollar product called the
“Community Relief Loan” at all of its branches. Citizens Trust Bank
primarily used radio advertising and signs in bank branches to
promote the product. According to Citizens Trust Bank’s Assistant
Vice President and Director of Consumer Lending Sharnell W. Reynolds,
in the first two months of the program, the Community Relief Loan
campaign had generated 574 applications and 81 originations totaling
more than $116,000. “

That’s a pathetic 14% approval rate! Why were only 14% of the
applicants approved?

Let’s take a look at the Citizen’s Trust loan requirements and
“The Community Relief Loan ranges from $500 to $1,500.
Each loan carries a $48 origination fee, and the interest rate is 15
percent. The maximum term on a $500 Community Relief Loan is six
months; one year is the maximum term on larger loans. To qualify,
borrowers must have a FICO credit score of at least 500, proof of
regular income for six months, no outstanding liens or judgments, and
have been at their current address for at least one year. The bank
also has alternative under-writing processes to accommodate
prospective borrowers with thin or no credit histories. The maximum
loan amount for these applicants is $500, and they must provide proof
of employment for the previous six months and show an alternate form
of good credit history. For instance, borrowers might provide proof
that they have paid their rent or utility bills on time for the
previous six months.”

“The loan approval process is decentralized and managed at each of
the bank’s ten branches by Financial Relationship Managers. Each
Financial Relationship Manager has Community Relief Loan approval
authority and uses a standard underwriting checklist to guide routine
application determinations. Those who recommend exceptions to the
checklist guidelines route their requests to the corporate offices in
Atlanta. With or without an exception, it generally takes less than
24 hours from the time an application is submitted to deliver a check
to an approved borrower. If all of the required borrower documentation
is on hand at the time an application is submitted, same-day delivery is

“Unlike the military-focused loan program that required linked
savings accounts, linked savings are optional under the Community
Relief Loan program.”

“Nevertheless, in the first two months of the program, Community
Relief Loan customers had opened a total of 52 new savings and
checking accounts. Borrowers are strongly encouraged to authorize
automatic debits of loan payments from a savings or checking account.
Although none of the loans were delinquent or in default as of the
fourth quarter, the program is still very new.”


OK, so here is their Conclusion:

“After one year, the FDIC’s Small-Dollar Loan Pilot Program has
provided evidence that banks can offer reasonably priced
alternatives to high-cost, short-term credit. Most participating banks
have determined that using SDL and NSDL products as a cornerstone for
building long-term profitable relationships is the most feasible
business model. Some banks believe that their location, underwriting
processes, and pricing structures will allow for short-term
profitability. Others focus solely on providing a service to the
community by ensuring that reasonably priced credit is available to
a broad range of consumers. The FDIC will continue to explore the
feasibility of participant banks’ programs as the pilot continues
over the next year. Banks and others interested in the pilot can
contact the FDIC at”

I wonder if it ever occurred to the FDIC to simply interview actual
customers as they leave real payday loan stores and those leaving
any of the banks participating in this FDIC Pilot Program? Nope!
They’re fearful of what will be revealed! Payday loans, rent-to-own,
buy-here-pay-here, pawn shops, checkcashers… in other words,
Micro-Lenders know their customers and will continue to offer products
and services that serve them! That is if we’re allowed to! And if
our products and services don’t make sense to our customers, we’ll be
out of business.

We don’t need government subsidies to exist! Our customers, by the
millions every year, prove we have products and services they want!

What do you think? Should the government be involved? Should the
government subsidize your competitors?

Let me know!


Payday Loans – How to Start a Payday Loan Internet Business

Payday Loans – How to Start a Payday Loan Internet Business

Regarding a payday loan internet business start-up, be aware that you don’t need thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin. We’ll teach you how to achieve this with less than $100! Also, you don’t need to partner with a bank in order to build a payday loan internet business.

Here are the real facts.

1) You can make a ton of money with a payday loan internet business and never fund a single payday loan.

2) Simply build a payday loan web site or payday loan blog. Be aware that payday loan blogs rank much higher in the search engine results much faster then static payday loan web sites. We’ll teach you how! Begin by visiting and read the two free reports, “Bloggers Bible” and “Blog Profits Blueprint.” Or, visit click on “Get Blogged Now” and pay roughly $250 for a tech savy developer to build a Blog for you.

3) Setup a free account with commission Junction, perform a search for payday loan companies who want to partner with you. You then “feed” payday loan customers from your web site or blog to the payday loan funding companies. In return you’ll earn, as of this writing, $20 to as much as $55 for each loan application.

4) Once you have your payday loan web site or payday loan blog “live” you’ll focus on techniques and strategies for “driving” significant payday loan customers to your web site so you can “feed” them to your payday loan funding partner.

5) When you’re ready, begin funding your own payday loans. Review our “Payday Loan Internet Report” for a thorough step-by-step discussion and full explanations to achieve this.

With our current economy, the demand for payday loans has never been greater. This is not rocket science! You can participate in the lucrative payday loan industry.

You really can literally make money in your underwear! Visit to find out how.