
UK Door Stop Lenders Blamed for Poor!

A study by the UK Public Policy Research Institute, which followed the economic fortunes of 58 low-income families, came to the conclusion that making easy credit available to the poor actually harms them.

I suppose the rational is that by not acting as a lender of last resort, the families having exhausted all other means of obtaining cash to pay their rent, buy food and keep the lights burning, these families would have accessed the public dole much sooner.

But wait! The study goes on to describe how the U.K. government is stretched beyond capacity to contend with the growing numbers of families having no where to turn for emergency financial help. Another recent report revealed the government of the U.K experienced a 28% increase in demand by the financially challenged for “crisis loans.”

These people are nuts! Their report actually states, “Cheap credit has pulled the UK’s poorest families into a spiral of debt.” What are they thinking? Would not these families have run out of options even sooner had the “door stop lenders”, payday loan operators, car title and other “no credit checks and no questions asked” lenders failed to provide emergency cash?

Because we make money available to families who have no where else to go WE ARE TO BLAME for their misfortune! Man, I don’t get it.


Wisconsin Payday Loan Laws & Legislation

Payday Loans and Wisconsin – A Good Compromise

Wisconsin payday loan regulators have stitched together a compromise bill that offers strong consumer protection and allows the very popular payday loan product to continue to be offered as one of many financial solutions for Wisconsin residents.

In essence, the proposed Wisconsin payday loan bill will limit payday loan consumers to a maximum $600 payday loan or 35% of a borrower’s 2-week gross income, whichever is less. This proposed $600 maximum payday loan would include any fees associated with the payday advance.

This payday loan legislation would not cap the annual interest rate that lenders can charge on payday loans. A previous bill would have limited them to 36 percent. Rep. Donna Seidel, D-Wausau, said, “The cap would have gone too far in choking off credit for borrowers struggling in the economic downturn by essentially wiping out the industry.”

Additionally, the proposed payday loan legislation allows payday loan borrowers one payday loan at a time. This would be assured by the implementation of a Wisconsin payday loan data base to be industry funded; $1 per payday loan.

Consumer protectionists applauded the proposed Wisconsin payday loan legislation because it specifically prohibits payday loan lenders from “rolling over” a payday loan consumer’s outstanding debt into a new payday loan. This addresses the so-called “cycle-of-debt” issue, a practice attacked by competitors against payday loan products. This includes banks, installment lenders and credit unions.

In 2008 Wisconsin, it’s estimated there were 530 payday loan stores that gave out 1.2 million loans totaling $723 million.


Payday Loan Collection Scam – Vultures on the Prowl

Payday Loan Collection Scams

If you’re one of the millions of payday loan consumers out there, BEWARE!

Collection company agents are scamming payday loan users out of their hard earned cash.

The Kansas Attorney General, Steve Six, reports that Kansas residents are complaining about collectors calling with claims that the consumer took out an Internet based payday loan and never repaid it.

There are unsubstantiated claims by residents of other states as well.

Some of these payday loan collection agents are posing as law enforcement officers! It’s not uncommon for these collectors to threaten consumers with jail.

Payday loan consumers should be aware that their is no debtor’s prison in America.

These scam artists often identify themselves as ACS, National Affidavit Processing Department and United Financial Crime Division. The calls may be originating offshore.

It’s not unusual for the payday loan collection agents to have the ability to provide their victims with personal data including social security numbers and bank account information; even computer IP numbers.

Western Union appears to be the preferred method of payment requested of the consumers.

If contacted, consumers should demand a written notice specifying the amount of the debt, the name of the payday loan company, contact information of the payday loan company, and validation of the debt.

We advise the consumer to immediately determine if the payday loan company is licensed in the consumer’s state! If not, do not pay!

One last point; our readers should not conclude that these collection scams are singularly focused on the payday loan industry. These vultures ply their wares in virtually every financial product offered in the marketplace today.


Magic Numbers Don’t be misled by payday loan statistics.

Magic NumbersDon’t be misled by payday-loan statistics.

This is an interesting article by Thomas Sowell at the National Review.

It’s a good read! Mr. Sowell begins … “Words are not the only things that enable political rhetoric to magically transform reality. Numbers can be used just as creatively — and many voters are even more gullible about statistics than they are about words, apparently because statistics seem more objective.

The latest congressional crusade is to clamp down on small finance companies that provide “payday loans” and check-cashing services in many low-income neighborhoods, where there are few banks.”

He goes on… “A common practice in making small loans of a few hundred dollars for a few weeks is to charge about $15 per hundred dollars lent. Politicians, the media, community activists, and miscellaneous other busybodies are able to transform these numbers into annual percentage charges of several hundred percent, thereby creating moral melodramas and demands that the government “do something” about such “abuses.”

Read the article in its entirety here: National


OLA-Online Lenders Alliance Internet Payday Loan Lenders Association

The OLA, Online Lenders Association-a payday loan organization comprised of Internet Payday Loan companies, placed advice about contributing to the Haiti Relief Program.

From their web site: ”

We have all seen and heard about the devastation in Haiti.  As an organization and an industry who knows the hardship of people in need, we wanted to bring you some information about donating to the relief effort.

Congressman Meek has directed us to the InterAction website which lists multiple charities to whom you may wish to contribute.  Click InterAction to access their webpage.

We have been advised that the best way to help is to donate financially to organizations responding to a disaster.  Cash donations allow relief professionals to procure exactly what is needed in a disaster situation and ensure that donations are culturally, dietary, and environmentally appropriate.

You can also click Red Cross to go directly to their donation page.

You can donate $10 to the Red Cross and have it charged to your cell phone bill by texting “HAITI” to “90999.” (There will be no processing fees).”

The Online Lenders Association organized in an effort to provide a sense of standards and guidelines for Internet based payday loan lenders.

As the Online Lenders Association OLA web site states, “All member companies have agreed to a List of Best Practices and Code of Conduct developed by OLA to ensure that consumers are fully informed and fairly treated and are using all lending products and practices responsibly.”