

Miro p. Payday Loan UniversityHello Payday Loan Fan,

It’s Miro P. from Payday Loan University

You haven’t invested in my “Powerhouse PDL Operator’s Course” yet and I wanted to share a few comments that have already been said about my course:

“Miro tells you step-by-step exactly what you must do to elevate your business above the competition and PROFIT. If you don’t absorb every word on every page, it’s your loss. Essential lessons from one of the best, so don’t squander it.” Dan Premus, Toronto, Ontario

“A lifetime of experience and knowledge in PDL operations and marketing, boiled down into simple ‘a la carte’ strategies anyone can use. The survey and examples alone, are well worth the price of admission. If you’re running a PDL store, do whatever you can to get your hands on this course, devour it and IMPLEMENT.” Steve Bartlett- Vero Beach, Florida

“Miro, good in-the-trenches stuff in your collections and underwriting chapters. It’s a business in which you have to get your hands dirty.” Steve Hodgdon -Mr. Collections – Novato, California

As a reader of PaydayLoanIndustryBlog, you have a very limited opportunity to invest in  Miro’s Powerhouse PDL Operator’s Course at a heavily discounted price. I only emailed this ALERT to entrepreneurs that I firmly believe will achieve SUBSTANTIAL benefits by studying AND executing the new tactics revealed. You know I respect my subscribers and do not waste their time. Jer Trihouse

Act NOW, and take advantage of the special price that I worked out for you, and you ONLY. Sorry! It’s too late. The $200 special discount Miro was offering to Trihouse readers ended . No B.S. The Powerhouse Course went to $595.00. (It’s still a great value at $595.00.) 

You’ll get 180+ pages revealing:

  • A completely new way to look at underwriting
  • Discover how you are chasing your best customers away
  • How to find the best employees
  • 17 PROVEN marketing ideas to get your numbers up right now, and NOT spend a fortune doing it.

***All of this is 100% guaranteed. If you’re disappointed with the quality of the material, you get your money back!

Click here to get more information – invest in a copy of “Powerhouse PDL Operator’s Course.”

P.S. Ironically, some of the most compelling testimonials I’ve received from the hundreds of readers of the Powerhouse PDL Operator’s Course are in regards to the way the Course is written. “It’s blunt, clear and funny.” Our business is so unique. It’s exciting to see one of the most creative and innovative people in our industry “pry open his head, and let us peek inside to see what we can use.”

P.P.S: DUE TO DEMAND, “Powerhouse PDL Operator’s Course” is now available printed & shipped or immediate download it in Adobe Acrobat!

Now go make some money!!
Jer – Trihouse


More BS: UK Payday Loan Study

With few exceptions, the media and so-called consumer advocacy groups do a pathetic job of reporting on the payday loan industry! At least they’re consistent; their bias makes me gag. The old saying,  “If you say it enough times, it becomes the truth” is their strategy. For your “enlightenment”  Dear Reader, a quote and a link to another feeble attempt to attack our small dollar loan industry: “Citizens Advice Bureau received 1270 survey responses (out of 4.1 million UK loans). Selected results, covering some of the main issues for consumers such as how much the loan is going to cost and how it needs to be repaid, are set out below.”  A link to the “Survey???”

Jer – Trihouse



New-Powerhouse PDL Operators Course

If you don’t own and operate at least one payday loan store, stop reading NOW! My friend and collaborator, Miro Posavec, a Co-Founder of and CEO at TotalOperationsManagement has written a brand new PDL Course for store operators. Take a look… Miro is offering a limited time, serious discount to followers of Trihouse Consulting. AGAIN, this is NOT for NEWBIES! “Seasoned” PDL operators ONLY!
Payday Loan University

Powerhouse Course

Powerhouse google local

EXPOSED: Secrets that you can use to increase your storefront payday loan business


PROFIT from my mistakes, experience, and hard won wisdom. My course will CREATE increased revenues, reduce losses, and grant you many peaceful nights.


What tools and strategies do online lenders use to give loans to customers that they’ll never meet or see in person? How do they lend money when they’ll never see a Drivers’ license, paystub, or bank statement?

This information is the real deal with nothing held back. Marketing, underwriting, collections, employee relations, THEFT prevention, and bad debt. It’s all in there. And sometimes it’s not pretty.

My Powerhouse Course offers killer strategies for payday owners to grow their business through MEASURED marketing. You will see how the “tricks” the Online lenders use can benefit you.

You’ll discover how to attract more of your ideal customers and clients, get them to come back more often, have them spending more on each visit and send you more referrals than you ever thought possible.

AND, I’m going to teach you how to HOLD onto those dollars by preventing employee theft, reducing bad debt, and be more effective at collections.

The Payday industry is very different. If you want to learn the strategies you need to have the business you dream of and hold every single dollar you spend accountable for multiplying itself then Powerhouse is the resource for you.

  • * Build a better, smoother operation
  • * Attract and retain your IDEAL customers
  • * Create an  “extreme” competitive advantage
  • * Skyrocket your sales and multiply your profits in ANY Economy
  • * STEAL the secrets online operators use and apply them to your operation.
  • * The secrets to magical underwriting
  • * Using tools that you’ve probably never heard of
  • * Put cash in your pocket NOW
  • * Get your bad debt money BACK
  • * Be Top Dog in your Marketplace EVEN with a huge national competitor next door.
  • * Remove ALL obstacles to enjoying your business and your life.
  • * Get more done in less time

A completely UNCONDITIONAL LIFETIME Guarantee!

And here it is, plain and simple: If at any time you’re dissatisfied, simply return the information for a prompt
and courteous refund – for life!

So, let’s look at my product offering and How you can save big $$$ if you order NOW!

1: Powerhouse Storefront Operations Course:
My 180+ page guide to Marketing, employee relations, and enhanced operations.
List Price of this course: $595.00 But if you order by midnight Wednesday May 22, 2013, Trihouse has a deal on this course for: $395.00. That’s a $200 savings.

Click Here: Get “The Powerhouse PDL Operators Course” in Adobe Acrobat now!

Click Here: “Powerhouse Storefront Guide to Online Lending” printed & shipped!


This week only, Trihouse & Payday Loan University is offering this SPECIAL DISCOUNT: $395.00 IF you invest in my Powerhouse PDL Operator’s Guide NOW. That’s a total savings of $200.00!! That’s more than 33% OFF the full list price. You must act by midnight Wednesday May 22, 2013 – NO B.S – this price will never be offered again!!!

Why should you act right now? There is no RISK! All of my courses are 100% guaranteed to be useful, practical, and include PROVEN strategies and ideas. Again, these DISCOUNT prices are only available until midnight Wednesday May 22, 2013. When these courses are officially released, these discounts will never be seen again! (I swear on my name and on my reputation!)

Miro Prosavec
Co-founder Payday Loan University
Total Operations mngt.




Tribal Sunset in the Western Sky? Not So Fast.

By Hilary Miller, Atty at Law.

On Monday, March 18 2013, the Colorado (state) District Court granted summary judgment to the Attorney General in a payday-lending case against Western Sky Financial and its control person, Martin A. (“Butch”) Webb. State ex rel. Suthers v. Western Sky Financial, LLC, No. 11 CV 638 (Apr. 15, 2013). Although this decision may initially seem a victory for opponents of tribal lending, on closer examination the decision provides little new insight. More importantly, the decision does not address the most prevalent tribal lending model where – unlike in Western Sky – the lending is actually done by tribal entities. Accordingly, cheering consumerists should put away their anti-tribal Terrible Towels and resume their seats.

Webb, an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, owns and operates an Internet lender, Western Sky, which is an ordinary state- (in this case, South Dakota) chartered business entity. Webb is no stranger to the judicial system and has his own cross-country litigation trail of tears.

What distinguishes Western Sky is that it is not owned or operated by a tribe and therefore cannot be said to be an “arm” of the tribe entitled to tribal sovereign immunity. See, e.g., Breakthrough Mgmt. Group, Inc. v. Chukchansi Gold Casino & Resort, 629 F.3d 1173, 1185 (10th Cir. 2010). As an individual Indian, Webb is not entitled to immunity. Puyallup Tribe, Inc. v. Department of Game, 433 U.S. 165, 171 (1977).

No other tribal lender uses Webb’s model.

The Colorado court probably gets the right result as applied to Western Sky’s particular business model, although it arrives there somewhat inelegantly. The court relies on its prior decision for the non-immunity of defendants and reiterates much of its prior reasoning on this point (from an April 17, 2012 order denying defendants’ motion to dismiss). It engages in a prolix discussion of long-arm jurisdictional issues; this discussion continues to confound some basic issues about where the loans are consummated and about the defendants’ purported contacts with Colorado, but ultimately it comes to a reasoned, if arguably further appealable, conclusion on the issue. A large portion of the decision relates to a finding of Webb’s personal liability for the wrongs of Western Sky, which is essentially a joint-tortfeasor finding that does not depend on veil-piercing; I address some of these issues in a recent paper. (Senior Assistant A.G. Paul Chessin, a first-class litigator, deserves kudos for his argument on this point, which the court adopted nearly wholesale.) In a final insult to defendants, the court finds their immunity arguments to have been frivolous and awards attorneys’ fees to plaintiff.

None of these holdings is particularly earth-shattering or novel.

This case must be seen as limited to its particular – and unique – facts. In any “serious” current tribal lending model, the tribe has organized a tribally owned lending entity for its tribal economic-development purposes. The loans are thus deemed to be made by the tribe, not by an ordinary business entity owned by an individual Indian. As these models have evolved, more emphasis has been placed on true tribal governance; and the tribes have taken an active role in supervision and enforcement as, they argue, is their intended role under the Dodd-Frank Act. Moreover, the entities’ lending practices have been brought into substantially full compliance with federal law, leaving little – other than garden-variety usury – for state regulators to complain about.

Thus, Western Sky teaches little of importance for those who oppose the tribal model. It leaves unanswered most of the $64 questions in this field, such as the authority of the CFPB to examine and supervise tribal lending enterprises and the ability of tribes to cloak their non-tribal agents with immunity for lending actions taken in furtherance of tribal economic development. For these answers, we will need to await a federal court determination at some later date.

Hilary Miller


Clarity Services: Response to New York Times Payday Loan Article

Letters to the Editor
The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018

Re: A response to your editorial on payday lending.

My name is Tim Ranney and I am the president of Clarity Services, a leading credit bureau in the non-prime credit services industry. I wanted to offer a few thoughts on your March 4 editorial on payday lending and the information you used from the Pew Research Center study that you referenced.

First off, let me say that I am not an opponent or proponent of payday lending or any other financial services industry segment. We are a credit bureau. Our job is to collect financial and credit transaction data on consumers, store it securely, and distribute it accurately and in accordance with regulations in the form of credit reports.

Your editorial as well as an article you printed a few days ago, relied on research from Pew Research. Pew based their results and conclusions on survey responses from about 450 consumers nationwide. To think that one can draw valid conclusions on a national population using such a limited population stretches logical boundaries. If you wanted to draw behavioral conclusions of a group of 1,000 high school students, do you think you could draw a good conclusion by talking to 4 of them? I leave it to you to answer that question for yourself.

Clarity processes more than half a million report requests per day for consumers seeking many different types of credit. We have data in our systems on about 35 million non-prime consumers. The data tells us a story significantly different than Pew’s results. Pew’s data says that the “typical” payday loan consumer has an income of about $30,000. Our research tells us the number is slightly over $50,000. Pew’s research says that only 49% of the population using payday loans are employed, and our research indicates the number is about 82%. Pew’s results are based on such limited data, yet all of the results they claim are skewed in a direction that perpetuates the view that the consumer is always a victim. The data we see leads us to different conclusions.

I do believe the industry, researchers, government regulators, and others are making a sincere effort to understand the issues faced by credit-challenged consumers and to find ways to promote alternatives that are workable for consumers as well as the financial services industry. The consumer is not served when researchers and New York Times reporters use questionable research and pre-conceived personal opinions in attempt to influence the dialogue.

Tim Ranney
Clarity Services