
Complaints About Payday Loan Companies-The Real Story

October 1 2011 through September 30, 2012, 2.34 million payday loans transpired in Missouri. Total complaints? 135. That’s correct! 135 complaints were received by the Missouri Division of Finance out of 2,340,000 payday loans. And, of the 135 complaints received, 54 were made against LICENSED Missouri payday loan lenders! 81 were against unlicensed Internet payday loan lenders.

Can you guess how many “renewals” were issued to Missouri payday loan consumers? 1.5! Yes, in spite of all the bull shit the media and the consumer advocates claim, the REAL – DOCUMENTED DATA, as reported by Richard Weaver, Commissioner of Finance for Missouri, reveals the truth!

The average loan was $306.12, the average interest rate was 454.62% and the average fee for a 14 day payday loan was $53.38. Defaults? 5.23%.

Want the facts? Or, you’re willing to allow the competition to continue to spread the lies? Here is the Missouri Report.

What’s all this mean? Our industry does a PATHETIC job of getting the truth out. We simply are not as well organized as the competition. It’s rare to hear testimonials from the real consumers who use our  products to extricate themselves from a short-lived financial challenge. (Of course, who in their right mind wants to come forward and publicly exclaim they use and LOVE payday loans? ) Instead, we’re barraged on a daily basis by stories of abuse; the single mom with multiple children trapped in a never ending cycle of debt.

At the risk of offending a few of you, I will point out a few successes.  The Borrow Smart Team does a good job as well as the Texas CAB Association. And FISCA, OLA, CFSA and others do devote a portion of member dues to protecting consumers, short-circuiting negative legislation and providing industry resources. Of course, everyone, including ME :o) has an agenda. Just follow the money…

Bottom line? I don’t embrace data bases but there are a multitude of states having implemented data bases that reveal a much different interpretation of payday loan consumer behavior than reported by our opponents. We ALL need to spread the word at every opportunity!


Motley Fool-Big Banks Payday Loans Biggest Competitor

'Stop your AG's sellout to banks' photo (c) 2011, DonkeyHotey - license: big banks salivate every time The WSJ, NYT, Bloomberg… attack the payday loan industry. Few people realize that Wells Fargo, US BankFifth Third Bancorp, Regions Finance and many other banks offer payday loan styled products. The real scoop is that these big banks are at the front of the line when a consumer is paid. The banks get their money FIRST!   Lacking a bank account and direct deposit, a consumer cannot qualify for a “Direct Deposit Advance.” 

Rich Duprey at The Motley Fool has an interesting piece:  Article.

“Now, if we can just get the banks to publicize the APRs on the other fees they charge. The FDIC notes that, if you overdraw your account by $20, and the bank charges you $27 for doing so (the average these days), that’s equal to an APR of $3,520%! And that $2 fee for withdrawing $20 from the ATM works out to a 260% APR. “


Free Demo: Mobile Friendly Website for Your Business

Mobile friendly websites

Own a business? Think your customers are using their phone to find you? Call you? Buy from you? You bet your ass! Your customer is reaching for their phone, typing in payday loan Houston… sushi San Diego, cash for gold 92661… car title loan 89104… check casher Kansas City… you name it. And, you’d better look good on that phone! Your customer expects to click a button to call you, find you on a map, send you a text, email your store, make an appointment, verify your business is REAL! If you look like crap on a phone, YOU DO NOT EXIST! Need more proof? Am I beating a “dead-horse?” Read on… from Google… the GOD of marketing! Get a FREE DEMO of your business on your customer’s phone. Visit:

Get a free “Before and After” of your business:


Google Payday Loan Algorithm Change Coming

Search Engine Land posted a piece on the next Google Panda update. “It is unclear exactly what this is an update for. Is it in response to an update on the PayDay algorithm or maybe the softer Panda update? We asked Matt Cutts and Google to clarify but Google won’t clarify.”

2 weeks ago, Google’s Matt Cutts made reference to payday loan “spammy quiries” taking place and the need for a change in Google’s algorithm.

The following week, payday loan hackers made great fun of Google’s in-house pitch man and did this:

Get a payday loan from Google's Matt Cutts

Get a payday loan from Google’s Matt Cutts

What’s the take away? Don’t mess with “The Black Hats.” Then again, I wouldn’t advise messing with Google. In fact, don’t mess with either. It could be bad for your $$ health!


Smart Phone Mobile Friendly Websites-Payday and Car Title Loan Businesses

Google Local Smart phone websitesIf you care about getting new customers for your business, read on. Otherwise, back away…

Google’s stance is clear: your website must provide a good mobile experience if you want it to rank well in mobile Search Engine Ranking Positioning SERPS.

Lenders must “get on the mobile train” to survive. 40% of your customers “look” for your business on their phone.

It’s unlikely that Google will continue to make smartphone users pinch and zoom to access content that’s not made for them. Top Google rankings require having mobile-friendly content.

Look , I’m not suggesting you have to have the ability to populate payday loan and car title application fields with your customer’s social security number, routing number, etc. today. BUT, you must make it easy for your customers to find you on a Map, call you with a “click-to-call” button, send you an SMS or email without a HUGE HASSLE.

You don’t even need a traditional web site to accomplish these things! For multiple examples, see

Accomplishing a smart phone friendly website presence appears to be a major challenge. But, if you break this project down into small chunks, you can swallow this little-by-little.

There are plenty of options. Next, we’ll discuss “How To Get Your Mobile Site Found.” And stay-tuned to . We have a major announcement coming soon on this “mobile” imperative!

Quick & easy Mobile Website Solutions –