
8 Payday Loan Stores for Sale in South Carolina

8 payday stores for sale in South Carolina.  $700,000+ in receivables.  4 of the 8 locations have been open for more than 5 years.

All stores are in high visibility areas of traffic with one location in a WalMart shopping center.  Leases are transferable.  All locations are within 45 minutes to an hour travel from each other.

Stores make a profit month over month.  Financials available with a signed NDA.

Along with Deferred Presentment 2 of the locations offer check cashing, Money Gram and a fax service.

Long term employees in place that will stay on during and after the transition.

Contact Info:   Kevin Allred – (843) 312-5824 or


Tribe Business Enterprise Payday Loan Legal Update

If you have a serious interest in the tribe sovereign nation lending model, READ THESE. There are two. Dig deep and you’ll be rewarded!

“With over one quarter of American Indians living in poverty, nearly twice the national average, it has never been more important to promote confidence in the American Indian economy this confidence is threatened when courts do not give full force and effect to contracting parties’ desire to resolve their private disputes using tribal courts and tribal law.”


The Decision will have disastrous consequences for Indian Country businesses and their ability to engage in off-reservation electronic commerce, whether the business is tribally owned or owned by an individual tribal member, in contravention of well-established Congressional policy and Supreme Court jurisprudence supporting tribal economic development.


“Amici argue that the Panel’s decision, particularly the Panel’s new requirement that a non-Indian must enter the reservation in order for a tribal court to have jurisdiction or for tribal law to apply, will decimate opportunities for tribal electronic commerce.

Amici also argue that the Decision will contravene well established Congressional policy and Supreme Court jurisprudence supporting tribal economic development, as well as international law requirements prohibiting discrimination against indigenous peoples.


The ability of tribes and tribal members to engage in electronic commerce on equal footing with their off-reservation counterparts is critical to tribal economic development in the modern era.

Amici are gravely concerned that the Decision fundamentally mischaracterizes the scope of tribal court jurisdiction over non-member activity and therefore requests either (1) that this Panel withdraw its decision and affirm the judgment of the district court, or (2) that the Court review this matter en banc. American Indian economic development whether driven by tribally owned…Read the remaining Argument at the Original Source:

First & Second

How to Start a Payday Loan Business Manual


Infiltrated: Who is Really Funding PEW, The Center for Responsible Lending & more

Know thy enemy. If you don’t, you can’t fight effectively. And, make no mistake, this is the fight of our lives. Because our enemy – self proclaimed consumer protectionists and regulators – want to destroy us.

You’ve got to read this book! The man who funded PEW and The CRL (Center for Responsible Lending) – two of our most egregious critics – made $450 million dollars making “liar loans” and sub-prime mortgages before exiting the mortgage industry! Payday lenders, title loan lenders, small dollar credit lenders… anyone who wants to gain serious insight into who is really funding our attackers must invest the time to digest this book. “A new wave of financial reformers has infiltrated our public institutions at both the state and national levels. A growing army of self-proclaimed activists, philanthropists, and politicians has infiltrated not only the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but the FDIC, the Treasury, and other regulatory agencies. This explosive new book from New York Times bestselling author Jay W. Richards reveals the truth…”

I’ve been a lender since 1997. I’ve written a lot about these issues BUT I learned a lot by reading “Infiltrated.” Jay Richards, the author, does a phenominal job of disclosing the agenda of people like Martin Eakes and several other characters we’ve all come to despise. I Highly recommend”Infiltrated!” Read it!

Disclosure: This is an Amazon affiliate link. If you like, just visit Amazon and search for “Infiltrated.”


Your Payday Loan Software Vendor Can Kill You

Richard Cordray with the CFPB stated, “Our investigation found that for three years First Investors had a flawed computer system –  purchased from a vendor – that provided inaccurate information to credit reporting agencies. When First Investors discovered the problem in April 2011, it notified the vendor but did nothing more. The company did not replace the system or take any steps to correct the inaccurate information it had supplied. Instead, it simply continued for years to use a system that it knew was flawed.”

“There were all kinds of inaccuracies reported by First Investors. The company frequently understated how much consumers were paying toward their debt. It overstated the amount past due. It misreported the dates when consumers became delinquent. And it inflated the number of delinquent payments… READ MORE


Biggest Payday Loan Game Changer? Bet You Can’t Guess!

Nope! It’s not compliance, regulation or the CFPB. You’ve seen this coming since the day you got into this game. Game changing rules are a fact of life as a money lender.

Wrong! It’s not John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight Show laugh your ass off satire on the payday loan industry. Even John had to admit that nearly 50% of your customers are happy you’re here.

Nah! It’s not the 1200%+ APR’s you charge your borrowers.  Even the CRL admits behind closed doors that money cannot be loaned at 36% unless it’s subsidized by tax payers.

Zilch again! It’s not the ACH debacle that sent you scurrying for Rolaids last October.

Uh-uh. It’s not the loss of your bank account, stored value cards, kiosks, “Operation Choke Point” or any of the other arrows, bullets, grenades and drones you’re having nightmares about.

Give up? Ok, before I tip my hand, think about the problem you’re trying to solve. Think about the pain your customer is experiencing daily. Your customer wants access to money fast and easy. No hoops to jump through. No “financial education” course. She wants minimal paperwork and hassle.

Your customer wants, needs and is literally begging for small dollar credit NOW!

Smart lenders focus on reducing the “friction.”

Borrower behavior has changed. The 1% can regulate a LOT of things but they can’t successfully regulate consumer behavior. Eventually, regulators have to recognize and embrace reality or risk revolution. Think marijuana, alcohol, drugs, prostitution, money lending…

Google, Amazon, Uber, and  iTunes  changed the way consumers behave.

The phone is the HUB!

A generational shift is occurring now.  The phone is the HUB! Smart phones reduce the “friction” in financial services. The Kindle changed the way people buy books. Smart phones are changing the way consumers borrow money.

You need an example? Here’s a simple one:

Another example:

  • Whip out your phone. Open your web browser and type in “” Take a CLOSE look at the website.
  • Now, use your desktop, laptop or iPad and repeat this step; . See the difference? It’s MAJOR!

Both and recognize the device used to visit their website. It’s automatic.

The difference is immediate! Using their phone, a borrower can simply click a button and apply for a loan, get directions, send a text or email message, make an appointment or share the website with friends and family members in need.

The SMART PHONE is the REAL game changer in the Small Dollar Credit (SDC) space! The rest is all noise.

Your task is to reduce the “friction” in lending. Figure this out and you can earn a higher ROI lending money than in any other industry AND survive the slings and arrows headed your direction.

How does your business “look” on YOUR customer’s phone?

Here’s an inexpensive solution: