
#1 Challenge for Payday Loan and Car Title Loan Lenders

We took a 30 second survey asking payday loan and car-title lenders what their biggest problems are. We’ve received over 1000 responses and continue to receive more daily.

(By the way, this is an ongoing “30 Second Quick and Dirty PDL Survey” you can access here: This is the link to the Survey Page using the Google Shortener Tool.! If you take it, we’ll share our results with you! Experience of our respondents to this Survey varies from zero to 20+ years. The average is 3.3 years)

Before we reveal the #1 challenge revealed by 1000+ payday loan and car title loan business professionals, here’s a brief rundown of the other top responses to our quick and dirty survey in no particular order:

  • Collection tactics and underwriting and tools
  • Hiring and keeping good employees
  • New products and services that can be added
  • How to generate/buy/sell  Internet leads
  • Access to capital to grow your business
  • Adapting to Government and legislation
  • How to harness the Internet to increase revenues and collections
  • Payday loan and car title loan software selection and issues
  • Finding good locations and accessing their potential for success
  • Developing and maintaining a good quality industry image
  • Developing new business models in addition to the State Law Model, the Choice-of-Law-Model, the Sovereign Nation Model, the Offshore Model, the Peer-to-Peer Model, Installment loan products…
  • Training in all aspects
  • Legal questions about laws, organizing the business, Internet licensing
  • And a hell of a lot more…

So… drum roll please… The #1 challenge  revealed by our readers for help and insight?

“Getting more customers.”

Alright, let’s tackle this issue.  First things first – DEMAND is UP! Yep, hopefully that doesn’t surprise you!

I talk to entrepreneurs in the payday loan industry, car title loan industry and many related  AFS businesses (Alternative Financial Services) everyday. These business people call and email me from everywhere … from the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, Korea, Africa, Mexico, New Zealand… and DEMAND is up. Customers want and desperately need our product; short-term, no-hassle quick access to small loans.

Sure, our demographics are changing! Potential customers with multiple credit cards and higher incomes  – customers who previously wouldn’t consider us for temporary financial help – are now considering us and actually using us. And many of our past customers are unemployed! Las Vegas has a 15% “official” unemployment rate! The “official” rate in California is 14%; we know among our customers it’s higher! So demand isn’t down it’s just that our customer is changing.

The problem is we’re all going after the same customer in the same ways while our customer has changed. These potential customers listen to different radio stations, watch different TV stations, read different web sites and blogs, drive different cars, read different magazines and newspapers, use Facebook, Twitter and Google … And these customers are applying for our products and services in multiple ways! It’s not uncommon for them to make a phone call, visit a store and apply via a web site! Our customers have “MOVED.”

These customers are more sophisticated. They have better educations with higher expectations. They are more aware of their options and require more attention.

I can’t use this Newsletter issue to discuss every method available for you to get more customers. It’s a HUGE subject and I’ll discuss more in coming issues.  So let’s begin here with one thing you can do to make an immediate impact on your revenues; it’s simple BUT not the easiest tactic to implement.

It’s called HOSPITALITY!

Yeah, that’s correct – HOSPITALITY.

So… what do I mean by HOSPITALITY? Well, as Danny Meyer states so eloquently in his book Setting the Table, The difference between SERVICE and HOSPITALITY is the foundation of success. SERVICE is the technical delivery of a product. HOSPITALITY is how the delivery of that product or service makes its recipient FEEL. SERVICE is a monologue – we decide how we want to do things and set our own standards for service. HOSPITALITY, on the other hand, is a dialogue. To be on a guest’s side requires listening to that person with every sense, and following up with a thoughtful, gracious, appropriate response. It takes both great service and hospitality to rise to the top.”

On a superficial level, “Setting the Table” is a book about starting and running retaurants; some of the best restaurants in the world. But on a higher level, it’s about business and customer service. I highly recommend it to you!

There’s a story that a business man opened a new store in Florida. On the day the business opened, the business owner received a surprise phone call from Gov. Jeb Bush. Gov. Bush thanked the business owner for doing business in Florida and offered this business man a “special phone number” should he ever need anything. Imagine the impact with your new customers if your company used this tactic. And imagine the fantastic feedback and insight you can receive from your customers.

“Hello Mr. Jones. This is Jerry Ayles at San Diego Financial Service Centers. May I take a few seconds to thank you for visiting our store/web site this week.” THEN SHUT UP! Listen! Allow your customer TO BE HEARD! People love for you to show a genuine interest in them. There is no stronger method of developing a relationship with another human being than to display a true interest in THEM and allow them to share their experiences, their stories, and their lives with you.

OK! I know what’s going on in your head right now! You’re thinking, “Is Jer nuts? Does Jer really think I have time for this?”

My answer to you is, “Can you afford NOT to do this?” Time and time again, I’ve written about the life-time value of your customer. Let’s review this quickly here again. Say… 4 loans per year… $300 per loan… $45 in fees per $300 loan = $180/year in fees X 10 years = $1800 total life-time revenue per customer. And these are conservative numbers! Substitute your own fees and average loan amount and the number of years this customer will stick with you.

Isn’t it worth 2 minutes of your time (or the time of a well trained member of your staff) to implement this?

How can you afford NOT to do this? How can you afford NOT to gain unbelievable insight into what’s going on in your customer’s head? How can you miss an opportunity to gain another apostle for your business? How can you fail to ask them for referrals of their family and friends? How can you afford to fail at this simple strategy?

Final thoughts: When you’re fortunate enough to entice a new customer to give you a try you’d better hit a home run with them on their first experience with you. Again, as Danny Meyer’s writes, “Your goal MUST BE to earn, regular, repeat patronage from a large number of consumers.” AND don’t think I mean putting them on a path to the so-called “cycle of debt.” I simply mean earning their trust and respect as they become acquainted with, and actually use, a variety of the products and services you offer in your financial service center.

Now another thing YOU MUST DO! Get your customers email addresses, Facebook accounts, twitter accounts… Ah!!!!!!!!! This thing is too LONG ALREADY. Next time…

As others have said, “Excellence is a journey, not a destination.”

Meanwhile, WHAT DO YOU THINK? Comments, suggestions, your ramblings are DEMANDED ?


How’s the Payday Loan Industry Doing Today? Just Ask!

Want to know what’s REALLY going on in our industry today? Here’s a free method you can use to find out exactly what’s happening without having to deal with the BS a vendor might feed you. JUST ASK!

How start payday loan or car title loan businessphoto © 2010 SMJJP | more info (via: Wylio)
Yeah! Just walk into a local payday loan, car title, pawn shop, check casher, gold buyer store or whatever and ask the employee, “How’s business?”

Yep, it’s really that simple!

You maybe surprised at how candid these clerks and owners can be.

You can portray yourself as a customer or as a fellow business owner depending on the situation as you enter the location.

If it’s really busy in the store just lurk! Watch! Listen! Learn!

When appropriate, approach an employee and ask open-ended questions such as:
How’s business?
Would you like to own a business like this? If yes, why? If not, why not?
What’s your biggest problem right now?
What’s your greatest opportunity?
How did you get started in this?

Learn to ask a few questions and then just LISTEN! Don’t interrupt or butt-in. You’re not there to display your knowledge and virtues. You’re there to learn – to gain insight.

What products and services are being offered? Anything you should add to your arsenal?

What’s the condition of the location? Is it clean and orderly?

What about signage and lighting? Any ideas here YOU should implement?

Is it what we refer to as a “No” store? You know what I mean! Signs plastered all over the place saying “No” this and “No” that – as if management is LOOKING for any excuse “NOT” to do business with their customers.

And don’t forget to make it a goal to insist that not only you, but your entire team perform this task regularly and consistently.

Pay your employees to do this. And after doing this, take them to Starbucks, sit down with them and review their experience – Probe! As you discuss their findings and observations train them to get better at this in the future. Alert them that this research will be a continuing part of their job in the future.

We assign each of our employees and partners to perform this task once each month. We systematically map out our competitors and schedule our employees to visit a different competitor’s location.

It’s not uncommon for us to pay the fees for a $100 loan for our employee at a competitor. We reimburse our employee, pay for their time and make copies of all the loan documents, pamphlets, brochures, flyers, etc. they’re given.

So… get the idea? If you want to know what’s going on in your market, JUST ASK! GET OUT THERE!

And if you’re not yet in a niche you’ve been thinking about entering, VISIT those locations that are already in the space. Take scrap gold buying for example. You want to learn about this niche? Hit the road! Visit 10 stores today, ask a few open-ended questions, then SHUT-UP and LISTEN!

What do you think?  Add a comment!


Payday Loan and Cash Advance Collection Tips

Another Debt Collector Charged With Fraud

Reminder, if you’re attempting to collect a debt, don’t tell the debtor you’re a police officer, a lawyer or any other government official.

AIG and youphoto © 2008 Seth Anderson | more info(via: Wylio)An Oklahoma headquartered cash advance company, Federal Cash Advance of Oklahoma LLC (aka CASHMAX, Fed Cash, TOPCASH, Cash Service Center) is alleged to have sent deceptive collection letters to debtors that contained a Dallas Texas County clerk’s office forged signature and bore the official seals of Texas and Dallas County. Allegedly, the letters also contained phony court case numbers and included inappropriate criminal allegations.

As a payday loan company performing collection activities, you must remember that unsecured debt is generally a civil matter and not a criminal matter. Apparently there are still plenty of us who don’t understand this! Do Not misuse the term ‘criminal prosecution’ to pressure payday loan customers into making their payments. These strategies are not legal.

In the case of Federal cash Advance of Oklahoma LLC, the notice letters illegally threatened criminal prosecution, referenced phony “case numbers” and cited fictitious criminal penalties of up to five years in prison and heavy fines.

The Texas Attorney General has sued a the payday lender that misrepresented itself as a government agency in some mailings.


Annual Payday Loan Convention – Fisca

Let’s discuss the annual payday loan and check cashing convention at the Mandalay Hotel in Las Vegas, organized by FISCA, the Financial Service Centers of America. This was certainly one of the most positive, uplifting FISCA Conventions I’ve attended in many years! For the most part, the “doom and gloom” of past FISCA Conventions simply was not present; really, really nice!

annual payday loan FISCA Convention

annual payday loan FISCA Convention

The dominant tone throughout the Payday Loan Convention was one of optimism; that we will survive and prosper. Sure… our products and services must evolve, but regulators and others who think they know what’s best for our customers cannot regulate into oblivion consumer demand for our products! Our customers desire and NEED US!!

Attendance was good. There were many, many exhibitors. The workshops were improved and audience participation was much better than at previous conventions.

Regarding the workshops, we were pleasantly surprised that Internet topics were included. FISCA has come a LONG WAY since the early 2000’s when I was told by a FISCA Board member I was an “Internet bandit and could look forward to a prison sentence.” (Seriously folks! Even though we were using the “payday loan state licensing model” at the time!!)

Anyway…on to the Financial Service Centers of America Convention.

General Sessions:
Bob Wolfberg, President of PLS Financial Services, gave a really exceptional presentation; extremely upbeat and positive! He received a thundering round of applause and deservedly so. Inspirational!! The future is ours! Our Industry will not only survive but PROSPER MIGHTILY!! We’ll attempt to get a copy of his presentation for your review in the future!!

Our friend, Hillary Miller, also participated in the FISCA General Sessions! You may recall the wonderfully positive piece he wrote for the Financial Services Industry that appeared on our Payday Loan Industry Bog here: “Impact of Title X, the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.”

Additionally, other speakers participating in the General Sessions, discussed industry lobbying efforts, compliance issues, our customer demographics, check discontinuance, marketing research, FinCEN, money transfer, risk management, Internet and mobile payments and much, much more! (We’ll get into details over the coming weeks.)

FISCA Workshops are typically moderated by people “with an axe to grind” because they generally have a product or service to sell. So, we were delighted to note that many moderators and presenters appeared to be present simply to provide their experiences, knowledge, and thoughts on our industry. Some really good questions and comments from the audience added to the presentations.

FISCA workshops covered the gamut from collections, marketing, Internet strategies, revenue builders, industry best practices, compliance, bank relationships, new products and services implementation, harnessing in-store and mobile marketing, employer-employee relationships, store operations and a lot more!

Again, we’ll discuss the specifics of several of the Workshops in future Newsletters. (NOTE: new strategies, tactics and services introduced at the FISCA Convention are already included in our latest version of our Payday Loan Startup & Training Manual and in our “Payday Loan Internet Report“)

Exhibit Hall:
Of course, there was the “usual cast of characters”… software providers, lead generators, insurance, bill pay, stored value, prepaid and debit card providers, employee verification, check cashing solutions, store layout, signage, safes, etc. You don’t want to overlook these companies simply because they’ve been around a while. They are constantly tweaking and improving their products and services. And… you can learn from them! Talk… ask… discuss… comment… learn… you may very well prosper as a result.

Interestingly, not only are there NEW payday loan, car title loan and check cashing software provider offerings BUT the existing software providers have improved their offerings. This is a big deal! These huge investments of time and money in, not only improving existing products and services for our industry, but the addition of new players is a major bet on our future by some very sophisticated investors and entrepreneurs! This bodes well for the future of ALL of us!

Finally, we can’t fail to mention a few new, or vastly improved, products and services for the financial services industry having exhibit booths in the FISCA Exhibit Hall. Scrap gold buying and car title loan services are just two of many we’ll discuss in future Newsletters to enable you to not only survive but profit substantially in micro-lending.

So, for specifics… look for our future Newsletters in the form of emails or check our Blog regularly at to gain access to new and exciting products, services, tactics and strategies for serving your customers and profiting in payday loans, car title loans, check cashing and scrap gold buying.


Payday Loan Convention – FISCA 2010

Just a quick note. If you can’t make it to this year’s annual Payday Loan Convention in Las Vegas, we’ll be there for you!

FISCA (Financial Service Centers of America), has their 2010 Annual Convention scheduled at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas Oct 1 – 4, 2010.

We’ve been attending these payday loan and check cashing conventions since 1997. This year should be interesting in light of the new laws, proposed laws, evolving products, the current economy and more.

As usual, we’ll be networking, attending workshops and meeting many of our clients.

DON’T WORRY! If you’re not able to attend, we’ll cover it for you!

Simply look for our next several free Newsletters in your inbox over the next few weeks. We’ll help you remain up to date with the latest news and developments in our Industry.

And of course, we’ll be updating our training materials again as a result. (Our very popular Payday Loan Training Manual is currently Version 17.1.)
