
Spy on a Payday Loan Company-Their Plan and Financials

Loose Lips Stock Tipsphoto © 2008 Mike Licht | more info (via: Wylio)
You want the inside scoop on the payday loan industry? Are you drooling over the profits you hear are occurring in the micro-lending/AFS (alternative financial services, payday loans, car title loans, peer-to-peer lending… ) industries?

There are a lot of methods for peering into payday loan company operations without your having to jump through hoops or sign NDA’s. How?

When CNBC and the Wall Street Journal covered the payday loan industry a while back, they mentioned several publicly traded companies in our space; in fact, a few analysts recommended specific stocks . One of these mentioned was EZCORP.

So… on January 20th, just go to this link and listen to their Webcast to spy on a payday loan company!

EZCORP, Inc. Webcast
When: January 20, 2011 @ 3:30 pm CST
How: Live over the Internet — Simply log on to the web at the address above.

NOTE: They usually leave these reports up several days after the event.

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Positive Payday Loan News-Wall Street Journal and CNBC

The payday loan industry received some very positive attention from wall street today! Get a copy of today’s Wall Street Journal and view CNBC’s Maria Baritromo program!

The Wall Street Journal has a piece entitled, “Dodd-Frank and the Return of the Loan Shark.” Yeah, hate the title but love the overall tone of the piece.

We’ll cover this in depth over the next couple of days. We simply want to alert you that wall street has identified the payday loan industry as a great area to make some money.

A few of more highlights to come:

AEA and DLLR are up 50%.

Same store sales and revenues are improving.

Consumers are moving from former credit systems into payday loans.

International payday loan lenders are growing.

“Buying a basket of payday lending stocks not a bad call!”

There are of course, still regulation questions on the state and national level to be considered.

Banks are driving consumers to payday loans and other AFS products.

Resurging growth of payday loan lenders is being seen in the U.S.

As I said, we’ll do more on this in the coming days.

And remember, “The future is ours.”



Mississippi Payday Loan Industry

Borrow Smart Mississippi needs your help in explaining the benefits of alternative financial services (AFS) to regulators and knuckle heads who think they know what’s best for the rest of us.


With only a few short weeks before the Legislative Session begins, it’s time to ramp up our efforts on behalf of our industry.  Between now and January 10, you will receive daily email updates.  The email will be very short, so please take a few seconds to read it.  It will often contain an alert for needed action.  When this is the case, please take the time to take care of this immediately.  Once we are in the Session, it will be imperative that legislators receive messages from you in a timely manner.

For now, we are asking that every person receiving this email make contact with your State Representative and/or Senator.  We’d like for you to do this THIS WEEK in the form of a holiday greeting.  You are welcome to use the postcards provided at the Borrow Smart Action Team meetings, or you can use a regular holiday card.  Just write a short message, such as “We at [insert name of business] hope that you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.”  Be sure to hand write the card and sign it.

Please send a return email to this address to let us know to whom you sent the greetings.  If you need Borrow Smart postcards, please let us know that as well.  We’ll be happy to get them to you.

Again, thank you for your participation.

KC Grist

Borrow Smart Field Coordinator
We urge all our readers to followup as the folks at suggest!

Collection Idea for AFS – Payday Loans, Car Title, BHPH, and RTO

I regularly write about the need for Alternative Financial Services (AFS) like payday loans, car title lenders, rent-to-own (RTO), buy-here-pay-here (BHPH) operators and others to evolve and embrace technology. Not only in the types of loans and terms we offer, but also in marketing, software, collections and more.

I know that a large percentage of customers who owe me money DO NOT WANT TO TALK to me! After years in this business, I’ve learned that if I offer my customer a method of paying me off or negotiating with me, WITHOUT having to actually talk to me, they’re more likely to cut a deal.

So… regarding collections, I introduce Debt Resolve – online settlement of debt – a unique way to collect your delinquent accounts. It’s basically an automated bargaining system that provides your delinquent customer the opportunity to make a deal without your having to involve your collections employee in the process. It takes place online and it’s entirely “hands-off.”

Debt Resolve received their 5th patent allowing the Company “a method and system for automated bargaining in a round by round manner.” Debt Resolve, Inc. (Debt Resolve, Inc. (OTCBB:DRSV) provides lenders, collection agencies, collection law firms, debt buyers and hospitals with a patent-protected online bidding system for the resolution and settlement of consumer debt.

Here’s how it works:

Invite: At your invitation, your delinquent customer logs into a website with a personal invitation code – branded in your name – and confirms their contact information.

Resolve: A series of simple-to-use screens is presented to the debtor. For early-stage delinquencies, Debt Resolve offers a quick and easy way for customers to self-cure online.

For late-stage and charged-off accounts, Debt Resolve features a patented bidding process. The debtor gets three chances to submit an offer and settle the account. Based on strategies, the offers are compared to treatments you have set right from your desktop. The customer chooses from payment options made available to them, or makes an offer for settlement or payments.

COLLECT: When the your debtor makes a successful resolution payment, it’s collected using your electronic payment gateways and deposited directly into your bank account. In the event an agreement is not reached online, you can queue up accounts for follow-up using the updated contact information you’ve received online from your customer.

So, worst case you don’t cut a deal with your delinquent borrower but you now have their most current contact, banking and employment information without having to pay your collections employee to work this loan.

As of this writing, budget approximately $750/month for the service for unlimited transactions.

Personal note: as of this writing, neither I (Jer) or my company (Trihouse) has ANY affiliation with Debt Resolve. No commissions, no stock, no nothing! I just think it’s worth looking at.
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I Stole This Simple Marketing Idea

Looking for a quick, simple method to increase your profits? Here’s one I stole from Money-to-Go in Texas.

Visit the auto repair shops in your area. Ask them if they ever have a customer who doesn’t have the money to pay for their car repair. OF COURSE THEY DO!

Auto repair shops are not in the loan business; you are!

So… let them know you have the funds to help their customer AND relieve the manager/owner of that uncomfortable feeling that overcomes them when their customer cannot afford to pay their repair bill.

Action steps:

Call the repair shop. Ask for the manager. Ask them if their customers sometimes have difficulty paying their repair bill. Tell the Manager you have a solution; you have funds available. Explain that you would like 3 minutes of their time tomorrow to briefly explain your funding solution. Simply say, “What’s best for you tomorrow? 11 AM or 4 PM?”

Drop by on the appointed day. Quickly explain, “Our mission is to arrange convenient and easy financing for your customers that have no credit or bad credit. That way they can pay for their transmission repair, brake replacement, body work or any major car repair immediately and get back on the road.” Don’t go into intricate details unless you’re asked. Just make it clear you have a solution for the Manager AND their customer. Leave with their business card.

Leave POS (Point-of-Sale) materials. If you don’t yet have any use VistaPrints.

Followup 3 days later with a color post card, an email and a phone call to thank them!

Revisit the repair shop’s location at least once per month. Leave them a box of donuts!

How much is just one customer from this repair shop worth to you? How many loans per year? For how many years?

DO THIS! Try it for 60 days!!
Need more ideas? Get one of our Start-Up Manuals:
How to Start & Operate a Payday Loan Business
How to Start a Car Title Loan Business
How to Buy & Sell Scrap Gold