
Payday Loan Western States Conference and Trade Show

Several of us will be at the payday loan conference in Rancho Mirage, Calif. May 4-7, 2013.

Text Jer at 702-208-6736 to meetup while you’re there. Email: Jer


MicroBilt Corp. & CL Verify, LLC File For Chapter 11 Protection in New Jersey

Payday Loan Sub-Prime Consumer Reporting Company News:

MicroBilt Corporation and CL Verify, LLC, filed chapter 11 petitions in a bankruptcy court in New Jersey (MicroBilt on March 18, 2011 and CL Verify six days later). The companies, headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey, describe themselves as “leader[s] in risk management information for small and medium-sized businesses and leading provider[s] of alternative data for non-traditional lenders.” Specifically, MicroBilt offers small and medium sized businesses with “online access to consumer and commercial credit bureau data with automated decisioning and collection services,” as well as “proprietary comparative private-company financial information with its ‘Integra Data’ on more than 4.5 million privately held companies collected from 32 governmental and non-governmental sources along with analytic tools.”

The companies employ approximately 77 people in six states and generated 2010 revenues of approximately $20 million. Court filings state that the companies, which have approximately $8.4 million in unsecured debt and no secured debt, believe that they have an enterprise value of $150-180 million. They also have a number of additional subsidiaries and affiliated companies, but no other legal entities were included in the bankruptcy filings.

The companies state in court filings that the chapter 11 cases were filed in response to recent developments in their long-running dispute with Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., d/b/a Chex Systems, Inc. The dispute began in 2008 when Chex Systems “unilaterally terminated its contract with MicroBilt” as a result of a dispute. That dispute was resolved through arbitration and resulted in a June 2009 memorandum of understanding and an August 2009 resale agreement (which was subsequently amended in January 2010). However, when MicroBilt acquired CL Verify, new disputes between the companies and Chex arose resulting in new litigation in federal district court in Florida and, after Chex attempted to “wrongfully terminate” (quoting MicroBilt’s bankruptcy court filings; obviously, Chex would have a very different perspective on the grounds for termination) the 2009 resale agreement, in state and federal courts in New Jersey. MicroBilt sought a temporary restraining order in New Jersey federal court, but the request was denied. Chex then informed MicroBilt that it intended to terminate the resale agreement effective March 20, 2011. After receiving notice of the pending termination on March 18th, MicroBilt filed the initial chapter 11 case to prevent Chex from terminating the contract.

Read more: Bankruptcy News & Analysis: MicroBilt Corp. & CL Verify, LLC File For Chapter 11 Protection in New Jersey

Bankruptcy News & Analysis
Consulting, training and more…


Upcoming Payday Loan Conventions and Conferences

Sorry this is coming a bit tardy. We’re swamped here. The payday loan industry is cranking!

Payday Loan Upcoming Conventions and Conferences

Online Lenders Alliance
May 11-13, 2011
Liason Capitol Hill Hotel
Washington, DC
Lisa Meller (9490 429-0020

California Financial Service Providers
May 15-17, 2011
Western States Conference and Trade Show
Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa
Rancho Mirage, Calif.

Financial Service Centers of America
Oct. 28-31, 2011
Grande Lakes Orlando, Fl.
JW Marriott/Ritz Carlton


Why Text Messaging SMS is Better Than Email

Jimmy Peters over at Linkedin posted this reply to, “Why Text Messaging SMS is Better Than Email.”

If you have any interest in Text Messaging as another marketing and customer leveraging method, read on.

One reason why mobile marketing is so effective is because it provides brands with a way to reach their target audience throughout the day instead of just when they’re at a computer, watching television or reading a magazine. Another reason is that mobile marketing leverages other media, such as by including a short code on a billboard so those passing by can get information on the spot.

Short Message Service (SMS) is the most widely used messaging vehicle for mobile marketing. Also known as “texting,” SMS supports text messages of about 160 characters in length, depending on the handset and network. Worldwide, there are twice as many SMS users as there are email users.

SMS supports common short codes (CSCs), which are abbreviated phone numbers – usually four to six digits – to which cell phone users can send text messages. One reason for SMS growth is that nearly 100% of U.S. handsets currently in use support SMS. There are now more mobile phone subscribers in the world (1.4 billion), than there are landline phones subscribers.

The objectives of mobile marketing campaigns are straightforward: increase brand awareness, generate a customer opt-in database, drive up attendance to events or visits to a store, improve customer loyalty and increase revenues. Mobile Marketing does not stand alone; rather it leverages traditional promotional channels, such as TV, radio, print media or even the Internet.

How does it work?
Through the use of our advanced SMS Text Messaging web based platform, you can harness the true power of Mobile Marketing with features which range from scheduled and timed delivery of your text messages to full text voting and polling capabilities. In addition to such, we provide regular training on how to use our platform. See our full list of features below…

Mobile Campaign Management Data Management / CRM
• Easy to use campaign composer
• Targeted message blasts
• Scheduled & Time delay messaging options
• Personalization with custom contact data
• Robust content delivery platform
• Voting / Polling
• Alerts / Mobile Coupons
• Trivia / Surveys
• Real-time Text to Screen
• Ringtone / Wallpapers / Video
• Contests / Sweepstakes
• Emergency Notifications • Create and manage target lists
• Customize data fields
• Modify view options
• Custom opt-in forms
Reporting / Analytics
• Real-time message delivery stats
• Detailed message status reports
• Premium SMS reporting
• Historical campaign reporting
• Custom reporting services

Nice job, Jimmy!
702-208-6736 Consulting, Training, Manuals and more…


Payday Loan Scammers Give Us Another Bad Rap

From the FTC

The Federal Trade Commission charged two men and their companies with unfairly and deceptively billing consumers without their consent, and not providing promised refunds, in violation of federal law. At the FTC’s request, a federal court temporarily halted the defendants’ deceptive practices pending further proceedings, froze their assets, and appointed a receiver to take control of the business and its assets. The FTC seeks to stop their illegal practices and make them give up their ill-gotten gains and provide refunds to consumers.

According to the FTC’s complaint, Michael Bruce Moneymaker, Daniel De La Cruz, and their companies obtained consumers’ personal information from websites that claimed to match consumers with payday lenders, and then enrolled consumers, without their knowledge, in one or more of several worthless “continuity” programs. These programs included an up-front cost of up to $49.99 each, plus additional weekly or monthly recurring fees of up to $19.98. Continuity programs charge recurring fees until a consumer takes affirmative action to cancel.

The complaint alleges that after consumers submitted their personal information online, they encountered a pop-up box titled “Terms and Conditions” that appeared to be a part of their payday loan application. This pop-up box asked consumers to provide an authorization but made no mention of the defendants or their continuity programs. In many instances, consumers believed the pop-up box was part of their payday loan application and provided the requested authorization.

The FTC alleges that the defendants used consumers’ bank account information, obtained through their payday loan applications, to create and deposit “remotely created checks” to pay for the continuity programs. Consumers learned of their enrollment in the defendants’ continuity programs only when they checked their bank account, or when their bank accounts were overdrawn because of the defendants’ unauthorized debits. Frequently when consumers called the defendants’ customer service numbers to cancel or seek a refund, no one would answer the line, the line would go dead, or the consumer would be put on hold for an extended period of time. If consumers actually reached someone in the defendants’ call center, the defendants’ employees attempted to dissuade them from demanding their money back.

The defendants’ call center employees allegedly told consumers they authorized the charges as part of a payday loan application and that they were being charged for a third-party offer with benefits including a free stored-value Visa card, free voicemail, free airline tickets, and a $10,000 secured credit line. Call center employees also promised consumers refunds that consumers never received. In some instances, consumers who had been enrolled in multiple programs were told they had to call separate numbers to discuss each one, even though the call center handled calls for all of the defendants’ programs.

The defendants allegedly told call center employees to limit the number of refunds offered and evaluated employees’ performance based on their ability to keep the refund rate as low as possible. The defendants’ employees often refused refund requests, gave refunds only to the most persistent consumers, or falsely promised refunds until consumers stopped calling. Some consumers were told, falsely, that a manager would call them or their calls would be returned.

The FTC charges that the defendants violated the FTC Act by:

  • obtaining consumers’ bank account information and debiting their accounts without their express informed consent;
  • falsely representing that consumers’ authorizations were part of their payday loan applications;
  • failing to clearly and conspicuously disclose that consumers would be charged for third-party trial offers automatically extended to them;
  • falsely telling consumers that they were not entitled to refunds because they agreed to enroll in the defendants’ programs and pay for them, and had agreed that they could get a refund only if they asked during the initial trial period; and
  • falsely promising refunds to consumers and not providing the refunds.

The FTC complaint names Michael Bruce Moneymaker, also known as Bruce Moneymaker, Mike Smith, and Michael Bruce Millerd, and also doing business as Fortress Secured; Daniel De La Cruz; Belfort Capital Ventures, Inc.; Dynamic Online Solutions, LLC; HSC Labs, Inc.; Red Dust Studios, Inc.; and Seaside Ventures Trust and its trustee.

The Commission vote authorizing the staff to file the complaint was 5-0. The complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada.

To help consumers avoid the hidden costs in some “free trial” programs, the FTC is releasing a new video. Free Trial Offers tells how to check out a free trial before you sign up, and what to do if you find yourself enrolled in a free trial offer without your permission: in short, getting charged for merchandise you don’t want and didn’t order. Watch the video here or at For more on free trials, click here.

The FTC would like to thank the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Department of the Treasury, the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office, and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s Enterprise Area Command for their help in bringing this case.

NOTE: The Commission files a complaint when it has “reason to believe” that the law has been or is being violated, and it appears to the Commission that a proceeding is in the public interest. The complaint is not a finding or ruling that the defendant has actually violated the law. The case will be decided by the court.

The Federal Trade Commission works for consumers to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid them.  To file a complaint in English or Spanish, visit the FTC’s online Complaint Assistant or call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357).  The FTC enters complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online database available to more than 1,800 civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad.  The FTC’s website provides free information on a variety of consumer topics.  “Like” the FTC on Facebook and “follow” us on Twitter.

Frank Dorman,
Office of Public Affairs
Robin Moore,
Bureau of Consumer Protection

(FTC File No. 1023165)