
Online Lenders Alliance OLA Convention Followup – Denver

Jer Ayles-AylerI just returned home from the payday loan Internet convention put on by OLA in Denver. My initial reaction?


I’ve been riding this payday loan roller coaster since 1997. From a legislative and regulatory perspective, it’s been challenging to say the least.

Our industry, the business of loaning money, has been attacked since time began. The thing is, DEMAND for our product cannot be legislated away.

There are some really smart guys in our space! And, we have trade organizations that leverage our individual strengths.

First we had FISCA. Then we had CFSA. And now we have OLA as well. All 3 are good organizations and all 3 deserve our support.

Over the next several days, I’ll address some of the latest techniques, solutions, technology and strategies for achieving success in the micro-lending space that OLA attendees were exposed to.

For now, like I always say, “Hang-in there payday loan fans because the future REALLY IS OURS!”


Bank Fees in Violation of Military Authorization Act?

One of the provisions of the FY 2007 Military Authorization Act, makes it illegal for creditors to grant payday loans and car title loans to military members.

The change also prohibits charging more than 36 percent interest to military borrowers. Fees, service charges, renewal charges, credit insurance premiums or any other product “sold” with the loan must be included when calculating the interest rate.

Among other things, this law prohibits “using a check or any other access to a member’s financial account as security for a loan.”

So… what if a member of the military has a checking account with one of the banks or credit unions making loans to customers based on their direct deposit paychecks? These “payday loans” are then repaid in full – both principal and fees – once the direct deposit clears. It’s VERY common for this bank customer to take out another loan. If you analyze the numbers, you soon calculate these bank customers pay $900 in interest to borrow $500 from the bank for less than 6 months – an APR of 365% !

Doesn’t this violate the Act? I’ve looked at these transactions and the banks and credit unions offer virtually zero disclosure. I’m not a lawyer but, if I was, “I’d be licking my chops!” The media is beginning to sniff this out. Both Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal are on this. Bank of America and the other banks are getting nailed over this new $5 ATM fee. They’re about to get MORE HEAT! Man, what a shame.

What do you think?


OLA – Online Lenders Alliance Conference in Denver next week, read on

If you’re going to be at OLA – Online Lenders Alliance Conference in Denver next week, read on.

I can’t believe this is free!

Current Major Issues in Online Lending from the Regulatory, Litigation and Tax Perspectives Brunch

You’re invited to join Claudia Callaway and Christina Grigorian of Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP and Allen Kutchins and Tom Duffy of Kutchins, Robbins & Diamond Ltd. over brunch before the OLA Conference for an overview of the regulatory, litigation and tax issues facing online consumer lenders today.

If you have ANY interest in lending via the Internet or plan to, YOU NEED TO ATTEND! NO CHARGE!!

Monday October 10
10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
Complimentary Brunch & Seminar

Sheraton Denver Downtown
Silver Room 1550 Court place

CFPB and FTC: New Rules, New Enforcement Actions

Offshore Lending: Tax Consequences and IRS Developments

Tribal Lending: A Primer

Tax Considerations for Your Corporate Structure

Litigation Roundup


Claudia Callaway
Allen Kutchins
Christina Grigorian
Thomas Duffy

These are some of the best minds in the payday loan Internet space! If you’re attending OLA you must attend.

Email Ann Jones   or call 202-625-3548  to get in! SPACE IS LIMITED!!


Washington State DFI Report Shortsided – Payday Loans

“Report shows Payday Lending Law is helping keep people out of debt” – All the Washington regulators did was shove Washington payday loan customers into the hands of unlicensed internet and tribal Lenders! The Washington DFI has no clue how many payday loan transactions are completed online. Nor does the DFI know the APR’s, the fees being paid…

Yes, the number of payday loan lenders with offices in WA have contracted. So… less jobs, higher commercial vacancy rates, less taxes paid and on and on. And, the DFI has enabled an unlicensed payday loan operator in Belize or Costa Rica or the XXX Tribe to gather financial data (SS#’s, bank acct. info…) about Washington state residents! Consumers everywhere WANT their payday loan.


Payday Loan Tribe Model Attacked

Jer Payday Loan TrihouseWe all know the payday loan – tribe partnership model is highly controversial. It’s a strategy being evaluated by tribes having considerable wealth, “poor” tribes lacking gaming success, and sophisticated payday loan Lenders with superior management skills. State Attorneys General, the Fed’s, legal counsel and our industry is watching this develop.

Ultimately, when constructed in a fashion that achieves the spirit intended, the sovereign nation model appears sound. If you’re interested in the tribe payday loan model, there is an interesting article here: We have not vetted all the data here so perform your due-diligence! Obviously, Equity News is not a fan of Scott Tucker, the payday loan industry, or “creative approaches” to satisfying the desire by consumers for access to our small, non-collateralized, short-term loans. (Of course, that doesn’t preclude Equity News from earning revenue by displaying ads for payday loans on their web site.)

And this won’t  be the first time I’ve been chided by my “brothers and sisters”  in the payday loan industry for continuing to shed light on offshore, choice-of-law, tribal and other controversial methods for offering payday loan products.

I continue to believe that open discussion about micro-lending will help regulators, legislators, the media and our industry find methods to serve the millions of consumers, around the world, who want and need access to our products and services.

What do YOU think? Leave a comment.