

The CFPB issued a Report today entitled, “Payday Loans and Deposit Advance.” You better read it!

The Team at



The Tribe Payday Loan Model Saga in Colorado Continues:

1437 Bannock, Denver, CO 80202

Plaintiffs: STATE OF COLORADO ex rel. JOHN W.

This dispute arises over allegedly illegal, usurious, and unlicensed loans, issued over the
Internet, in Colorado to Colorado consumers. The State alleges that Western Sky, a South
Dakota limited liability company, has conducted business, through the Internet, to make loans to
Colorado consumers in amounts ranging from $400 to $2,600 with annual percentage interest
DATE FILED:April 15, 20132 rates (“APR”) of approximately 140% to 300%. Webb is the sole manager and owner of
Western Sky. Further, Webb is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux (the “Tribe”)
and resides on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation (the “Reservation”) in South Dakota.

1. Western Sky is a South Dakota company. Webb is Western Sky’s sole manager, sole
executive officer, and sole owner. Webb directs, controls, manages, participates in,
supervises, is responsible for, and authorizes Western Sky’s activities.
2. Western Sky is principally engaged in the business of making small, short-term
personal loans to consumers.
3. Via the Internet and television advertising, Western sky offers and enters into loans
with Colorado consumers.
4. According to its website, Western Sky offers personal loans of up to $2,600.00.
5. Also according to its website and a loan agreement with a Colorado consumer the
loans have APRs from 140% to over 300%. The loan agreement with the Colorado
consumer reflects a loan for $400.00 with over 330% APR. See Exhibits 1 and 2 to
the affidavit of Jodie Robertson. (Robertson Aff., attached to the State’s Motion as
Exhibit 2).
6. Colorado Consumers apply for loans directly through Western Sky’s Website.
7. Western Sky electronically deposits the loans’ proceeds into the consumers’ bank
8. Pursuant to the loan agreements, consumers authorize Western Sky to withdraw funds
electronically from the consumers’ bank accounts.3
9. In 2010 alone, Western Sky made over 200 loans to Colorado consumers.
10. Western Sky is not, and at no relevant time was, licensed as a supervised lender in
Colorado authorized to make supervised loans pursuant to Colorado’s Uniform
Consumer Credit Code, C.R.S. § 5-1-101, et seq. (the “Code”).
11. In November 2010, Administrator Udis (the “Administrator”) demanded that Western
Sky cease making any new loans. The Administrator also demanded that Western
Sky make refunds to consumers of all of its loans’ improper and excess finance
12. Western Sky did not comply with the Administrator’s demands.

Here, it is uncontroverted that Webb is the sole manager, executive director, owner, and
principal of Western Sky. It is further undisputed that Webb directs, controls, manages,
participates in, supervises, is responsible for, and authorizes Western Sky’s activities. Finally,
the record before the Court confirms that Webb has general responsibility and final decision
making authority for all of Western Sky’s business operations. Accordingly, because Webb has 11
the exclusive authority to control the actions of Western Sky, he may also be held individually
liable for Western Sky’s violations of the Code.
To the extent that Defendants contend that “Indian businesses operating on a reservation
are not subject to state jurisdiction and control” and are thus preempted by federal law, the Court
is not persuaded.

Denver Court commentary:

Defendants argue that Congress has completely preempted the
regulation of Indian affairs on a reservation. However, even if that
were so, it begs the question of whether the conduct of which [the
State] complain[s] involved regulation of Indian affairs on a
reservation. I find and conclude that it did not. [The State]
allege[s], and defendants do not dispute, that defendants were
operating via the Internet . . . . The borrowers do not go to the
reservation in South Dakota to apply for, negotiate or enter into
loans. They apply for loans in Colorado by accessing defendants’
website. They repay the loans and pay the financing charges from
Colorado; Western Sky is authorized to withdraw the funds
electronically from their bank accounts. The impact of the
allegedly excessive charges was felt in Colorado. Defendants have
not denied that they were doing business in Colorado for
jurisdictional purposes, nor does it appear that they could. See
[Cash Advance I, 205 P.3d at 400]. “Business conducted over the
Internet that would confer jurisdiction on a state court also
demonstrates that the business activity constitutes off-reservation
activity.” [Id.]

C.R.S. § 5-1-201(1) provides that the Code “applies to consumer credit transactions made
in this state.” The Code further provides that a consumer credit transaction is made in this state
(b) A consumer who is a resident of this state enters into a
transaction with a creditor who has solicited or advertised in this
state by any means, including but not limited to mail, brochure,
telephone, print, radio, television, internet, or any other electronic
Code § 5-1-201(1)(b).
Here, it is undisputed that Defendants operate a website and engage in television
advertising in this state, thereby soliciting and advertising their lending business in Colorado. It
is further, undisputed that Defendants have entered into loan agreements with Colorado
Accordingly, because Defendants’ business activities are conducted off-reservation and
because Defendants solicit and advertise their business in Colorado and have, in fact, entered
into loan agreements with Colorado citizens, Defendants are not entitled to tribal immunity or
federal preemption. Rather, based on the undisputed facts before the Court, the Court concludes
that Defendants are subject to the Code’s previsions and are thereby liable for any violation
thereof. Specifically, because Western Sky is not, and has never been, licensed as a supervised
lender, and because unlicensed lenders are not authorized to charge a finance charge on 13
supervised loans, Defendants’ liability for restitution to consumers of all finance charges,
including penalties, on all unlicensed loans made or collected with respect to Colorado citizens,
is established as a matter of law.

Conclusion of the Court:

WHERFORE, in light of the reasoning stated above, the State’s Motion for Partial
Summary Judgment – Second Claim for Relief is hereby GRANTED. It is further ordered that, 15
in light of the voluminous unlicensed loans extended by Defendants in violation of the Code,
estimated at over 4,000, the State’s request that a special master be appointed to determine the
number of, and extent to which, consumers have been adversely affected by Defendants’
unlawful activity in this matter is GRANTED. The Parties shall submit a joint list of three
potential Special Masters, not later than 14 days from the date of entry of this Order, and the
Court will select one from that list. If the parties cannot agree on a list of potential Special
Masters, the Court will appoint someone of the Court’s choosing. Further, in accordance with
the Court’s findings herein, the State shall file an Affidavit of Attorney’s fees incurred in
replying to Defendants’ tribal immunity and federal preemption arguments in their Response, not
later than 14 days from the date of entry of this Order.
DONE this 15th day of April, 2012.

“It’s not over until its over.”  Email us for a link to the entire Court Decision.



This is great news. The tribes using the sovereign nation model and the offshore based Lenders will get fat on the U.S. consumers denied another choice in solving their financial challenges. Demand for small-dollar loans will not cease; supply will simply be limited. Increases in loan fees and consumer abuse would be the only outcome. All transactions will occur via the Internet.

Big brother at work again. Dictating how we live. This is not Iran or North Korea.

This legislation has zero chance of passing. It’s simply more PR for the Dem’s.

The consumers who actually use these products are not crying out for relief. Even the largest publicly traded Lenders report less than a 1% complaint frequency. This is documented in the 10K conference call any consumer activist can listen-in on if they’re willing to do the “real” work.

Embrace technology and competition to protect and deliver cheaper products to borrowers the world over. Jer – Trihouse (Yes, I’m biased!)

Here’s a link to the Piece. What do YOU think? Leave a comment with a goofy email address :o)



What Keeps You Up at Night?

The CFPB? That State AG’s are after you? Is it the Legislators regulating you out of business? Where do all these issues start from? Consumer complaints. Does every loan you make turn into a complaint? No, complaints only come from consumers who don’t repay the loan on time.

I’m a bill collector. I’ve been doing this for a while too. Started collecting department store checks in Christmas of 1980 – 32 years as a collector, lender, debt buyer, and 17 of those operating the squeaky cleanest collection agency ever.

Guest Post by Steve Hodgdon . Help? Explore? Email Steve!

Short of just forgiving every loan, you’re going to have use some kind of collection method. Pick your poison, outsourcing, calling yourself or selling the accounts to recoup some losses. You’ve already learned they all have their negatives.

Silent Collections

About 3 years after buying my first agency, I had a breakthrough. Not a breakdown, a breakthrough, an epiphany. Clients viewed me as a necessary evil. I was “Guido”, the enforcer, the bad guy. They always took the debtor’s side, even though it was their money! How dare they! So, I turned my techniques upside down. Being a collector is being a salesman. Nothing more. It’s my job to sell you, the borrower, on the benefits of paying your bill. So, here’s your first take away:

  • The money is in the first call. First contact is the best contact. Take your time and “close the sale”.
  • EVERYBODY wants to be heard. Building empathy and recognizing you’re talking to another human being with the same kinds of problems you’ve faced will pay off for both of you. Don’t sympathize; just make sure they know you LISTENED.
  • What’s in it for them? We’re all motivated this way. Why should they pay you? What do you have to give them in return? Every collector should have a positive and negative list to work from.

I promised my agency clients that there would be no complaints – PERIOD. I worked for charity hospitals in some of the toughest, poverty stricken areas. You and I were neighbors! The same consumer who borrowed money from you paid me first. No doubt about it. How? Here’s your 2nd takeaway:

  • My collectors LOVED their job. Careful hiring and lots of hand holding for new hires. We were practically a cult. Folks would leave for greener pastures and come right back.
  • We built a team. We all had each others’ backs. They knew they could count on me.
  • There were achievable goals, public recognition, and contests all the time.
  • Commission Commission Commission. Pay them and they’ll stay.

You should check under the hood… BEFORE the CFPB does!

The regulatory mood is, and always will be, pro-consumer. Look at the FTC settlements over the past year. If AMEX settles for $85 million among many others, seems likely that the door is wide open for more actions.

State regulators and consumer attorneys take their lead from the CFPB and FTC. Federal sanctions play really well in State courts. There’s no need to fear the CFPB if you’re doing things right. You can stop living on the edge and sleep better with some simple steps. Takeaway #3:

  • Google your agency partners.. Do they dominate the debtor boards?
  • Conduct a mini audit. Internally and externally. Listen to 10 calls on paying accounts to start. What, you can’t listen to call recordings? No time? I’ll audit for you.
  • Go to It’s a great database of FDCPA lawsuits. Search your vendors. I scrub every portfolio I buy through this to identify known litigious debtors.
  • Add a layer of protection. Update your 3rd party contracts to include TCPA, GLB, and PCI compliance for starters.
  • Is your complaint resolution process geared toward getting customers back or collecting money? Ask me how client satisfaction leads to better collections, for free!

Ask yourself this – Would you let the agency call customers in YOUR NAME? Do they present your values? Could what they say to a customer be said in person? Is the collector hiding behind an alias, at an untraceable number, with no published address?

Doesn’t Anybody Like Us?

Reputation management can be more than damage control. Remember, CFPB’s view is that you are liable for bad acts performed by agencies. Let’s get ahead of the regulators.

If all your practices treat consumers as YOUR CUSTOMERS, even if they didn’t pay, all these problems go away. I know from personal experience you can generate thank you letters from consumers and improve liquidity at the same time.

Caveat Venditor – “Seller Beware”

Debt buyers should be vetted through the steps above and more. It’s the Wild, Wild West out there. You want to know what happens to your customer post sale. Liability and reputation damage continue forever.

The difference in price between an ethical, insured, licensed buyer and a cowboy is zero. Market price is market price. Choose buyers you’d let coach your kids soccer team.

You can improve your valuation by documenting and adhering to good underwriting rules. As a buyer of payday loans, my hot buttons are frauds and excessive rollovers. Three reference numbers will boost your valuation 10%.

If you do a good job underwriting then the charge-offs will perform better. That leads to a good reputation in the buyer community and a higher price for you. When we take your product to market, telling the story of your excellent verification procedures adds value.

All good buyers want good sellers. Our investors are spending $10,000 to $1,000,000 for good portfolios. We analyze data and get competitive bids in days, not weeks

I personally oversaw agency management of 500,000 payday loans in 2012. Nothing is better than an “in the trenches” knowledge of the consumer, the lender, and the regulatory landscape.

Putting It All Together – Revenue Cycle Management

  • Tune up internal practices. Are you the best payday shop to work at in your market? Let’s start the party!

Examine value add of 1st party outsourcing. Can it be better, faster, cheaper and not degrade your selling value?

  • Set a high bar for agency and buyer qualification. Do business with the best.
  • And, of course, use an experienced guide to get you home safe and sound. In 30+ years, I’ve seen and done everything in the A/R spectrum. Knowing where to look for problems gets you to the solution faster.

Fluff up that pillow and worry about something else.

Need help with your collections? Advice? Counsel? Shoot an email to Steve Hodgdon

What do YOU think? Leave a comment! What’s YOUR biggest challenge TODAY? What does your Team need help with?