Tag: Check-n-Go payday loans


Payday Loans Video Advertising and Youtube

As video becomes more and more pervasive, payday loan companies are figuring out how to use the Internet to get their messages in front of consumers. Receiving fair treatment from the media is virtually an impossibility for the payday loan industry. The bias exhibited by newspaper and television reporters is so blatant it sickens me! Thus, every opportunity and method of getting our message out must be explored and utilized. This includes Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace…

Here is an example of some video work by Check-n-Go:

There are many free methods of advertising your payday loan web site or your brick-n-mortar. YouTube.com is just one. Craigslist.com is another. And as mentioned earlier, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace… and new ones entering the marketplace everyday are great ways to get in front of your consumers.

When planning to use video, simplicity is the key to success. I suggest you start with the a simple, inexpensive stand with a remote for your smart phone like this one:. It’s EXTREMELY simple, it offers great quality, it comes with super, easy to use, built-in software enabling you to upload your video to Youtube in minutes WITHOUT the need to read an owners manual! Here’s a link:
I bought mine at Amazon with free shipping and we were using it within just minutes of it’s arrival!

Keep in mind, not only can you create video of your customers but you can focus on your location, your employees, maps, your products, your services… You’re only limit is your creativity.

Finally, if you’re not really into this new media, tap the talents and hobbies of your children, your employees, your spouse… We’re experimenting with having our customers submit videos for a $500 prize! The best one will be posted on YouTube. We’ll run the contest for several months and hopefully receive 1000’s of views and some notoriety.

So… what do you think? Can this strategy make you some money? Let us know your results!
