
Payday Loan Collections

Got too many online payday loans defaulting?

Need help collecting on your online payday loans?

Online payday loan borrowers blowing you off? Payday Loan consumers refusing to pay you back on their loan or worse, disappearing on you?

How to screw your payday loan company

Payday Loan Help

Help is here! DO this!! The simple collection tactics still work!!!

Your payday loan, car title and small dollar loan borrowers move often. And, in hopes of receiving an IRS refund, they usually provide a forwarding address to the US Post Office.  (Payday loan borrowers should NEVER do this! Instead, they should use a PMB. If you’re a payday loan borrower, NEVER have your mail forwarded by the US Postal Service  🙂

Here’s a trick we online/store front payday loan lenders use to track you down. It’s the simple task of sending a letter or postcard to your last known address with the words, “RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED” printed on the front. If you’ve moved and you’re forwarding your mail, the post office will return your our payday loan lender’s letter to you with a sticker that reveals your new address!

And again, these folks OFTEN expect an IRS refund so they blindly make this blunder.

Want more tricks and tactics for avoiding paying back your payday loan lender? Get our Manual: “How to Loan Money to the Masses Profitably.” We thoroughly explain every aspect of starting and operating a payday loan, car title, signature loan and line of credit loan business.

How to Loan Money to the Masses!

How to Loan Money to the Masses!