
Upheaval in the Business of Lending while Continuing to Serve Consumers & Tribal Collaborations TLE

The “business of lending to the masses is under constant attack!” Witness the recent passage of the <36% APR HB539 bill enacted in California, the devastation of lending to the under-banked “thin-file” residents of South Dakota, the latest machinations occurring in Nebraska…


We simply do not have the clout, money, political connections and collaboration that our opponents have at their disposal. [Think banks able to access capital at ridiculously low costs from the FED (taxpayers], credit unions; they are non-profits and pay no taxes, the various so-called consumer protection advocates who in many cases are simply shills having agendas that fail to acknowledge the plight of the 50% of all US households who cannot access $400 cash when suddenly facing an emergency financial challenge.


Sure! Our industry has some bad apples! Every endeavor does, be it for profit, charitable, non-profit…


Do you realize the executives at the Red Cross [$500,000/yr} or the infamous CRL do not work for free? They want to keep those soft jobs!


We are not saints! But we certainly are community leaders in many cases who deploy our profits to provide service to our customers, our community, our churches, our employees and their families, our investors… hell, even our landlords and banks! [Take a look at Amscot Financial as just one of MANY examples.]


The business of lending to the masses is undergoing tremendous upheaval. The internet, smartphones, artificial intelligence, data scraping, automation, the millennial generation is replacing the “Boomers,” websites, chat boxes, identity fraud, LMS cloud-based platforms, same-day ACH, big brother Google and Facebook, the “bank model” and its access to cheap money, the <36% APR theme…


ALL these issues and MANY more are creating disruption AND more importantly, OPPORTUNITY for those of us who embrace change, stay informed, reverse engineer the newest business models available to legally and profitably serve the hundreds of millions of hardworking folks who need a financial leg up now and then. 


collaboration with a Native American Indian tribe is BUT one of many solutions to your path remaining in business while helping your customers deal with life.


PS: Reach out to meJer if you would like to explore potential solutions to your specific challenges in your B2C business. My Team and I travel the world, meet with executives and founders of a multitude of companies offering tribe introductions, capital raises, methodologies & products that adhere to the <36% APR issue while still achieving 200%+ APR’s, executive search, new product & platform launches, California HB539 solutions… I’m always available to explore… and if I can’t help, guaranteed I know a savant with the expertise to help you!




Tribal Lending-TLE-Collaboration

Click the Image Above to Explore a Collaboration with a Federally Recognized Native American Tribe in the B2C lending Space!

Tribal Lending Provides More Opportunities For America’s Indigenous Peoples

By: Mary Jackson. Forbes Councils Member
This “Opinion Piece” below appeared in Forbes and was written by Mary Jackson the CEO of the Online Lenders Alliance, the online lending industry’s center for lending, technology, and innovation.
Read and “digest” wholeheartedly Mary Jackson’s insight! 

For some Native American tribes, online lending has become a critical part of their economic development efforts. Unlike the federal, state and local governments, which fund operations through levying taxes, Native American tribes rely on economic development enterprises to provide essential government services to their members.

Many tribes are also located on geographically isolated reservations that are far from urban population centers. For these tribes, on-reservation business activity is difficult to build and harder still to sustain. With traditional forms of commerce largely unavailable, the internet and e-commerce have emerged as lifelines to them, and Tribal Lending Enterprises (TLEs), specifically, have been a major asset in helping generate revenues to fund their governments and provide for their members.

Lending revenues increase funds for the tribes’ operating budgets, helping them to provide essential services like health care, elder care, infrastructure, and education. In addition, these businesses create jobs in areas where unemployment has long been rampant, providing a meaningful opportunity to tribal members in their own communities. In short, they allow tribes to be more independent and self-reliant, and tribes have created their own enforcement practices and regulatory bodies to ensure they are in the driver’s seat.

Like virtually any other business sector, the online lending industry has a variety of participants who bring it to life and ensure it operates smoothly. The membership of my online lending association comprises a diverse cross-section of the industry, including big, publicly traded companies; small, privately owned businesses and companies owned and operated by sovereign Native American tribes — among others. In addition to actual lenders, members rely on third parties such as service providers, marketing agencies, web designers, application developers and data bureaus.

For Native American tribes who have developed TLEs, service providers and vendors play a vital role. Just like lenders of all types, tribes partner with other fintech companies to offer credit in innovative and convenient ways — thereby making loans available to consumers who otherwise would have little or no access to lending options.

These third parties enable creditors to reach different customer segments by leveraging an existing customer base or customer lists, underwrite borrowers more effectively by using nontraditional data sources that go beyond the FICO score and make additional loans by providing liquidity and funding. They help with advertising and marketing the business as well as with screening customers pursuant to fraud prevention and know-your-customer guidelines.

The U.S. Treasury’s fintech report and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) have acknowledged this vital business function for banks and other lending businesses. According to the OCC Comptroller’s Handbook on Installment Lending, the most common reasons for banks to use the services of an outside vendor include cost savings, capacity reasons and access to expertise and resources. This is also true for tribal lenders.

As to regulations, tribal lending is subject to the same 19 federal laws that banks and all other financial service providers must adhere to in their product offerings. Laws such as the Truth in Lending Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the Electronic Fund Transfer Act are just a few of the notables. In addition, sovereign tribal nations set their own financial services laws and regulations. Just like states, tribes have formed their own regulatory authorities, which enforce tribal and federal regulations for lending and consumer protections.

For years, tribes have fought for their right to self-determination, which includes the power to enact their own laws and be governed by them. As they have entered the e-commerce frontier, many tribes have set up sophisticated online lending businesses that can compete with the biggest players in the industry.

This is a relationship that should be encouraged — and not disparaged, as some industry opponents have done in recent years. The service providers who partner with tribes are a key part of driving them forward and helping to establish robust, well-run and viable businesses. And as a result of these partnerships, many tribes are thriving as they’re seeing previously unforeseen revenues fill tribal coffers.

These tribes are true entrepreneurs and are a model for the entrepreneurial spirit. New entrants to the online lending space like these are welcomed, and they are a sign of the diversity in fintech that we should all be embracing. The service providers who they partner with play a key role in bringing forth well-established and compliant lending practices to all lending entities — big and small, old and new.

Link to original Forbes Piece: Mary Jackson


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Jerome – Trihouse 702-208-6736 Cell
Knowledge Store: Resources for Lending $$ to Consumer

California HB539 <36% APR Effective Jan. 1st, 2020

  • Do you hold a California CFL License?
  • Do you offer title loans?
  • Are you aware effective Jan 1st, your business will be destroyed?
  • I have an idea that could enable you to serve your customers, enable you to offer Calif. title loans after Jan. 1st and continue to achieve a superior ROI for your CFL business in California.
  • If this is your situation, reach out immediately to me: PUT CALIFORNIA CFL in the SUBJECT.

PS: If you have no clue what I’m talking about:  READ MY POST ON LinkedIn

California Big Brother Crushed Consumers with <36% APR.

“The margin covers the cost of funds used to lend, the operational costs of lending, and the risks associated with it. In other words, Net Income = Interest Revenue – Interest Expenses – Net Non-Interest Expenses.”

Effective January 1st, 2020, the 55% of California residents who do not have access to $400 cash in an emergency are out of luck. No where to go. Their friends and family are in the same boat!

Join a church?

Get a 3rd gig job?

Rob my house and pawn my stuff?

I loan $100 and earn $3/month! Not a chance.

It is as simple as that. If you’re a California CFL lender looking for solutions, reach out to me. I have the blue pill

The Ugly Side of Lending: Online Installment Loans


PPS: Apologies for being silent for the past 6 weeks. Been in France…





Small team of experienced legal, operations, tax & asset protection executives:

  • Tribe sovereign nation model. Introductions, pros & cons evaluations…
  • State-by-state licensing model.
  • California CFL license holders: impact of AB539 effective January 1, 2020 strategies and tactics t remain in business.
  • Online personal loans: both collateralized and non-collateralized.
  • Underwriting analytics.
  • Customer acquisition cost reduction strategies.
  • LMS: Loan management software evaluations, analysis and recommendations.
  • Ohio CSO alternatives
  • Texas CAB/CSO consultants
  • Development of alternative loan products and ancillary services to meet 36% APR caps while maintaining Lender margins
  • Connections and introductions to 3rd party banks, payment processors, attorneys, credit bureaus, lead aggregators, LMS…

Macro Description of a Few Past projects

  • Orchestrated launch for new Personal Loan product to expand market share and generate over $600,000 in revenue the first year.
  • Increased top line revenue of online tribal lender to $50M <3 years.
  • Directed HR operations for 200+ employee operation across 25 locations, including strategic workforce planning, goal cascading, performance management, staffing, and benefits administration.
  • Planned, monitored and appraised employee work results by training managers to coach and correct employees.
  • Identified, initiated and completed transition of bullet proof asset protection and tax minimization entities for a multitude of Lenders in the B2C space
  • Counseled leadership and offered actionable initiatives to reduce compliance-related issues addressing equal employment opportunity and sexual harassment.
  • Facilitated conversion from Paychex payroll system to new ADP HRIS technology in a smooth, efficient and diligent manner to minimize impacts and proactively address any problems.
  • Evaluated developing call center operations and current market trends to identify necessary improvements and capitalize on changes.
  • Recruited and developed over twenty employees for call center sales department and developed quality employees within the call center to take on leadership positions.
  • Consulted with technology development teams to create and enhance CRM, lead generation, websites, and automated marketing campaigns.
  • Researched, negotiated, facilitated and managed real estate transactions.
  • Outlined work plans, determined resources, wrote timelines and generated initial budgets as part of project scope determination for tenant improvement projects.
  • Grew small dollar loan B & M company from 9 locations experiencing negative cash flow to 43 locations and annual cash flow in excess of $10mm.
  • Gathered, analyzed, prepared and summarized recommendations for financial plans and acquisition activity, including future requirements for operating expenses.
  • Conducted research on emerging trends within the industry and capitalized on creating, identifying, and developing new products, services and strategies to increase business market share, drive growth and onboard new customers annually.
  • Devised, deployed and monitored processes to boost long-term business success with optimal sales and profit levels.
  • Supported regulatory compliance by implementing policy, procedure and overseeing all audits to verify protocol adherence.
  • Developed program to promote new managers from within, building and maintaining cohesive leadership structure.Wrote detailed training materials.
  • Developed banking relationships, selected and negotiated with vendors.
  • Hired, trained, coached and mentored staff.
  • Managed all day-to-day operations and ensured timely and accurate accounting of financial results.
  • Negotiated the sale of the business for profit.

Experienced strategists, entrepreneurs and startup enthusiasts with a passion for building businesses and challenging the status quo.  Cumulative 100+ year track record of defining new business strategies, launching new ventures and delivering operational impact, both as founders and executive managers. Expert presenters, negotiators, able to forge solid relationships with key partners and build consensus across multiple organizational levels.

Business Acumen • Proactive and Strategic Leaders • Project Management • Financial Analysis/Projection • In-Depth HR Knowledge • Product/Concept Development and Implementation • Innovative Thinkers • Excellent Communication Skills and Content Writing • Organized, Motivational Leaders • Strong Problem Solving and Analysis • Customer/Client Focused • Real Estate Site Selection and Purchase/Lease Negotiations • Technology/Software Proficient

Want to explore what this Team can do for your business? Shoot an email to Jer at 


7 Acquisition Opportunities + Tribe TLE + MSB: Biz of Lending to the Masses

7 Acquisition/Participation Opportunities Available Today! 

NOTE: There are zero brokers involved in these deals listed below!

Los Angeles Check Cashing-Payday Loan Store for SaleNative American Financial Services: The opportunities for geographic and natural resource-challenged Native American Indian Tribes to experience economic prosperity via online eCommerce while simultaneously offering responsible financial services to deserving consumers is here today!

Tribally owned eCommerce businesses, in collaboration with “Silicon Valley” expertise [Fintech: Artificial Intelligence, data analysis, automated underwriting, instant funding, smartphone platforms…] results in lower customer acquisition costs [CAC], faster/cheaper underwriting, automated approval & funding, lower first-time payment defaults [FTPD].
Faster/Cheaper = lower-cost consumer loan products while maintaining superior financial returns to Indian Country. 
Los Angeles Check Cashing-Payday Loan Store for Sale 
Check Cashing & Payday Loan Brick-n-Mortar in Los Angeles, Calif.
Los Angeles Check Cashing-Payday Loan Store for Sale
Need more info about this Los Angeles Business?
Shoot an email to
Los Angeles Check Cashing-Payday Loan Store for Sale
Nine Dollar Loan Center Installment Loan Stores in Utah
Audited financials are available.
Hurry on this one! This is a unique, highly desirable package in a “friendly” State with exclusive municipality arrangements that cannot be duplicated.
Dollar Loan Center Opportunity
Need more info about these Utah Dollar Loan Center installment loan business locations?
Get on a call with the seller today! Shoot an email to

Los Angeles Check Cashing-Payday Loan Store for Sale

TITLE LOAN PORTFOLIOS WANTED: Cash buyer desires to purchase title loan portfolios in any state. AGGRESSIVE! Will consider all opportunities. Goal: To scale their car title loan portfolio rapidly. Note: Buyer is a 100% focused Online Title Loan Lender. Buyer desires your portfolios only. No stores, no infrastructure
Email  for buyers contact info.

Los Angeles Check Cashing-Payday Loan Store for Sale

Texas CAB/CSO and “Regulated Lender” stores available:
Four independent sellers open to offers. Individual packages include:
  • 40 locations
  • 10 locations 
  • 2 locations
  • 1 location
Email  for sellers contact info 

Los Angeles Check Cashing-Payday Loan Store for Sale

Southern Calif. PDL Location: San Diego, Calif payday loan store available. 10+ years…
To discuss directly with seller: TrihouseConsulting@gmail.comLos Angeles Check Cashing-Payday Loan Store for Sale
MSB Bank Services Needed: I have  several MSB licensed California clients owner/operators having blended multi-chain check cashing/liquor/convenience stores in need of bank services. Check cashing volumes range from $100M/month [That is not a misprint.] to $1.5M per month. These locations cash checks, sell money orders, wire money via MoneyGram & Western Union… These are operators having 20+ years in the MSB industry, stellar audit/compliance programs… paying $100K+/month bank fees! ACH & debit card processing would be a plus. 
Their typical client is the unbanked/underbanked consumer or small & medium-sized business [SMB] who needs to cash their payroll, government or insurance check in order to purchase food, liquor, building supplies, inventory for resale… 
Background: My colleague has built a 20 year+ compliance practice focusing on money service businesses, convenience stores [think 7-11 & Circle-K] and liquor stores offering check cashing, money transfer, money order sales in conjunction with cigarettes, beer, wine and liquor, snacks, pizza, gasoline, breakfast, candy, ice cream…  
For detailed financials, a “deck” & more: Email 
Los Angeles Check Cashing-Payday Loan Store for Sale


Fact 1: 11,000 boomers turn 65 YEARS OLD EVERY DAY and a hell of a lot of them own money service businesses.  The Boomer generation owns more businesses today than any generation in history!

Fact 2: Family members of these Boomers don’t want to take over the family business! So… Boomers need to sell! It’s a BUYERS MARKET!

Fact 3: We have been, and will continue to be a “society of Debtors & Creditors!” It’s simply a fact of life.

Fact 4: Startups fail. They fail OFTEN! Why start when you can buy? Acquire, grow, innovate, increase profits, build an ASSET… Acquisition Entrepreneurs do not start companies from scratch. They acquire companies with established customers, brand awareness, employees, and most importantly revenue and PROFITS.

Acquisition Entrepreneurship

Magical Recipe = combine an existing small business’ profitable infrastructure + innovation + entrepreneurs drive and energy.

Fact 5: When Boomers sell, they need to put their proceeds to work! A CD with Wells Fargo earning <2% ain’t going to cut it! Better? Seller financing!

Fact 6: Existing businesses that are able to embrace the disruptive technologies attacking them experience GREATER SUCCESS than startups. OLD DOGS with NEW TRICKS easily withstand disruption in an industry! The OLD DOGS benefit from existing infrastructure, industry insight and existing customers panting for superior loan products and immediate gratification.

Forward to a friend! Earn a piece…  Got a deal? An opportunity? Reach out to Me!
Jer – Trihouse 702-208-6736 Cell
Knowledge Store: Resources for Lending $$ to Consumer

Utah Acquisition Opportunity: Nine “Dollar Loan Center” Locations & Asset Sale

To the point, an “Acquisition Opportunity” including Nine Turnkey, State-of-the-Art, High-end Dollar Loan Centers for Sale in Utah.

What’s included in this sale: 

  • All the assets; a highly profitable ongoing installment lending business.
  • Nine Locations spread throughout Utah.
  • The past 18 months demonstrated solid consistent profits of $186,801 per month = $2,241,613 annualized! [January 21st – June 30th 2019.]
  • 15 years; tens of thousands of loyal customer data & transactions.
  • Fully reviewed & audited RSM McGladrey Financials.
  • Operations & Key Management/employees.
  • High-end furnishings & fixtures [If you know Chuck & his Team, you’re already aware they always go BIG with every endeavor!]
  • Cash Recyclers: Your money is safe from external & internal theft with these built-in secure vaults.
  • Loan Management Software [LMS]is provided by a top name in our industry.
  • An extensive “Non-Compete will be provided to the buyer on the seller’s behalf.

In essence, a strong, Utah embedded organization with incredible staff and impeccable Utah municipality & regulator relationships.

There are no “brokers” in this deal! Potential buyers will negotiate directly with the CEO/Founder of Dollar Loan Center via private communications established specifically for this opportunity!

Important Note: The trademark/brand “Dollar Loan Center” will NOT be included in this asset sale.

As my readers know, Utah is an extremely hospitable state for banking, lending, AFS products… Although it’s relatively easy to secure a Utah lending license, it’s virtually impossible to secure storefront locations due to a multitude of municipal moratoriums..

Frankly, I anticipate a bidding war for this package of nine turnkey locations! Why? As a result of a multitude of positive developments regarding the CFPB, President Trump’s administration and highly anticipated re-election, historically low unemployment rates, record earnings and transaction volume reported by the publicly traded lenders in our space, an unquenchable desire by consumers for immediate small-dollar CASH-in-HAND loans …I simply do not recall a higher sense of optimism present in our industry since “the good old days!”

Want to take a deep dive into this opportunity & learn more? Get a copy of Chuck’s CONFIDENTIAL 17 pages “Dollar Loan Center Utah Operation Overview” offering!

If you’re serious and want to learn more about this unique one-of-a-kind opportunity:

  1. Navigate to the bottom of THIS PAGE
  2. Click on the “Download PDF” arrow/button
  3. Print the “Confidentiality Agreement.”
  4. Sign pages 1,7 and 9 where indicated ________________Purchaser
  5. Scan/email to me at  
  6. Include your Name, Your Company Name if applicable, your phone… in this email you send to me.
  7. Immediately after Chuck B. receives your signed copy, you will receive the CONFIDENTIAL 17 pages “Dollar Loan Center Utah Operation Overview” offering packet with financials and pricing in addition to Chuck’s personal cellphone number & email established specifically to discuss this opportunity directly with Chuck.

The story?

Dollar Loan Center OpportunityI had the pleasure of meeting my long-time friend and one of the most respected and legit installment lenders in the industry, Chuck Brennan of Dollar Loan Center, for lunch near our homes in Newport Beach this past Friday.

Chuck B. has been in the industry for over 20 years! He launched in Las Vegas, Nevada. His Team grew Dollar Loan Center to over 100 locations in 4 states (Nevada, Utah, California and South Dakota). After successfully exiting their operations in California and South Dakota, as of today, Chuck, Mary and Team Dollar are ready to put their Utah operation on the market. They were planning to announce this in just a few days; on August 1st to be exact.

HOWEVER, I asked Chuck if it would be ok to blast out this great opportunity to my exclusive list of CEO’s and Decision Makers like yourself!

This will be an amazing opportunity for any organization capable of taking advantage of the 15 years of blood and sweat Chuck, Mary and Team Dollar have invested in building this highly profitable and respected asset in Utah.

Again, access the “Confidentiality Agreement” PDF below. Sign pages 1, 7 and 9. Then email it to include your Name, Phone Number, Company Name [if applicable]

Following Chuck’s receipt of the signed “Confidentiality Agreement,” you will immediately receive the CONFIDENTIAL 17 pages “Dollar Loan Center Utah Operation Overview” offering packet with financials and pricing.

NOTE: I am NOT a Broker in the middle of this opportunity! I’m simply helping a friend get out the word to you and do what I do best: be the conduit that enables my network to connect & prosper.

Peace, Jer [ANY issues? Call Jer at 702-2086736 or email.]
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Dollar Loan Center Utah Confidentiality Agreement 1″]