
Hi! It’s Bobby From the US Post Office & You Owe Us Money

Post office payday loans“Hi, my name is Bobby and you’re going to prison if you don’t pay my client, the United States Post Office, their MONEY! Plus, we’ll cut-off your ability to buy stamps! And, we’ll sick the IRS on you. And…”

So Elizabeth Warren thinks it’s a great idea for the US Postal Service to loan money to the “underbanked.”

And this little ditty from The New Republic:

“One of the key messages of Obama’s State of the Union address is his willingness to bypass Congress to create jobs and reduce inequality. As luck would have it (Give Me a Break!) , a new government report detailed an innovation that would preserve one of the largest job creators in the country, save billions of dollars specifically for the poor, and develop the very ladders of opportunity that Obama has championed as of late. What’s more, this could apparently be accomplished without Congressional action, but merely through existing executive prerogatives.”

“What’s the policy? Letting the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) offer basic banking services to customers, like savings accounts, debit cards and even simple loans. The idea has been kicked around policy circles for years, but now it has a crucial new adherent: the USPS Inspector General, who endorsed the initiative in a comprehensive white paper.”

Wow! Doesn’t this motivate you to apply for a job in the new U.S.Postal Service’s Department of Lending?

I can’t imagine taxpayers funding these loans! Worse, the United States Postal Service is going to “partner” with banks; the ultimate “loan sharks.” These are the same banks who were charging their own customers $10 in fees per $100 loaned IF their customer had direct deposit? NO RISK LOANS!!

Add to this equation the call center collection personnel working out of India, Panama, Belize…! “Hi, my name is Bobby and you’re going to prison if you don’t pay my client, the United States Post Office, their MONEY! Plus, we’ll cut-off your ability to buy stamps!” And, we’ll sick the IRS on you. And…”

In order to pull this off, our federal government would have to provide clarity and federal direction regarding the 50 states. Why not do this now and allow entrepreneurs to figure out how to construct an appealing product and compete with one another? Why should taxpayers, the FED’s, the U.S. Post Office and banks collaborate and compete against private business?

Next, our federal government, in conjunction with consumer literacy groups, will decide the American reading level is not what it should be and launch a new enterprise to compete against Amazon. After all, the the Obama administration could subsidize iTunes, eBooks and movies easily with taxpayer dollars.

Be sure to check out Michael Brown’s thoughts on this matter over at And if you’re interested in Texas payday, car title, installment you must make his acquaintance!


Payday Loan Sharks Eat Their Young-We’re All Swimming to the Last Life Preserver!

payday loan sharks

Payday loan sharks

By: Jer Trihouse. Guys, let’s get real! You manage to hook-up with an ACH processor in this environment? Shhh… hush-up, Man! Hold your cards close to your vest.

Your Team figured out a unique strategy for on-boarding a narrow demographic? You figured out a way to offer collateralized loans in a virtual world?  Your analytics guys determined that loans to zip code 48202 result in a 96% 1st time default rate? You outsourced your call center and you just spent $5K teaching them new scripts? Don’t blab your mouth off in the bar at the next OLA convention!

You want to survive this intense media, regulatory and consolidation reality we’re facing today? You gotta “secret sauce” that’s working for you; at least for the time being? Shut the F%&^&*K up!

Tactics working for you today, strategies enabling you survive this shitstorm we’re currently treading water in, whatever “magic sauce” you’ve got working for you to survive the next 12 months, need to be kept on the down-low. Tell Ep…  and you’re screwed! TranD, you’re dead meat. Infinn… fugetaboutit!!! PW? You’ll die the death of a thousand knives. Your lead aggregator? They’ll sell your ass down the river! Consultants? You might as well run a super bowl commercial that reveals your insides.

I hate this metaphor but it’s all I’ve got: We’re like a school of sharks ALL swimming to the same life preserver. Not a pretty site! It’s ugly and its raw. But, it’s the reality we’re currently in. As I my old friend and lunatic partner,  1-Eyed Jack used to tell me, “You’re either prey or your the perpetrator.” And the prey die an ugly, lengthy, painful death. You don’t want to be prey!

So… find your collaborators. Keep them close and your enemies closer. Bring it all “in-house.” Don’t get toasted in the bar at CFSA and blither away the wealth of knowledge and relationships you’ve hammered together. Get through this 6 months of pain and you’ll be rockin-and rollin again. I promise!

Scream, hug, call me the new wizard or set my wings on fire but at least I’m sticking my neck out there and trying hard to figure out our new  end game. Who wants to help?  Who among us comprends that 40M+ U.S. borrowers want our stuff! NOW!

The good old days are done@ Time to embrace the tech, twitter, pinterest, facebook, Buber, Paytoo, Dwalla, Zest, Wonga, Lendup… See the future or you will not be part of it. Of course, there may always be pot, e-cigs and bitcoins! All aboard… Give me some shitzke:


Ace Cash Express Partners with Texas Toll Roads

Payday Loan

Here’s a smart method for using an offline marketing channel to drive payday loan borrowers to a brick-n-mortar! “A report reveals the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (CRRMA) will be working with ACE Cash Express to collect tolls for the new César Chávez Border Highway toll road that is slated to begin operation this week.”

“The El Paso Times broke the story that motorists might have to establish an account to use the road or pay off toll charges at the payday loan company’s stores – drivers can still pay these items by phone, online or mail. The outlet also notes that customers will be charged $3 to open up an account and an additional $2 convenience service fee.”

“Experts say that ACE Cash Express is benefiting directly from the partnership because it is getting potentially thousands of customers into its stores and could very well create new clientele. The company has already conceded this in an interview with the El Paso news outlet.”
– See more at:

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Choking the Poor: Investors Daily Business-Payday Loan Industry

Payday Loan University

Choking the Poor: Investors Daily Business. January 27, 2014.

By: Jer Trihouse. In case you missed it, Investors Daily Business wrote an editorial about the Obama administration’s determined efforts to eliminate the payday loan industry. IBD’s  point was, “By driving payday lenders out of business, the administration will just end up hurting the working poor it deigns to protect.”

IDB points to a study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that  found that “cutting off the supply of payday credit only worsens consumer credit problems. After Georgia and North Carolina banned payday lenders in the last decade, more consumers bounced checks and filed for bankruptcy than did borrowers in states that allow payday lenders.” According to the Federal Reserve Study, “after Hawaii enabled payday lending in 2003, borrowers’ debt problems declined and became less chronic. Bankruptcies fell.”


In essence, via “Operation Choke Point,” the Obama administration has made the decision to single-handedly wipe out a legitimate industry having 40+ million U.S. consumers, tens of thousands of industry jobs, millions of dollars in tax receipts at both state and federal levels, and lowered commercial property values. No debate in the halls of Congress will occur. No votes will take place in states that have made the decision that access to small dollar loans make sense for their residents.

As I pointed out in a previous piece here at, if you’re a consumer demanding free choice, unfettered by President Obama and his minions, go here and tell him your story. If you’re a business owner and want to protect your industry, go here and tell your story. If you’re a commercial property owner and you want to protect your real estate valuation, go here and tell your story. If you’re a vendor/supplier to the small dollar loan industry, go here AND TELL YOUR STORY. If you believe in the American system of free choice with full disclosure, go here AND TELL YOUR STORY! Hell, if you’re a lawyer, go here

Read the IBD piece here: Investors Daily Business – Choking the Poor.