
How to Make Serious Money Lending to the Masses

You want to make serious money by lending money to the masses or you would not be reading this.

To be successful as a lender – or in any other entrepreneurial endeavor – you really only have to be good at  a few things:

  • Picking the right business niche
  • Raising money
  • Hiring good people
  • Ability to iterate through your challenges
  • Be bold. DO OR DO NOT!

Pick the Right Business Niche

Let’s get real!

Lending money to the masses can be very profitable!

Payday loans, signature loans, car title loans, personal cash advances, merchant cash advances, business to business loans… whatever you call them, all can be very profitable.

Real world example?

We’re charging $15 to $30+ for every 14 day loan we make. [Depends on the state we’re in or the tribe we collaborate with.]

That’s a 400%+ annual percentage rate (APR) for a borrower to use our money for two weeks.

I’ve watched stores reach $10,000 in loans after only being opened 3 weeks; within a year, $100,000 on a good week and generating $50,000/month in fees.

Sure. Lenders have costs. Payroll costs, utility costs, website costs, merchant processing, rent, legal, taxes… but you get the picture.

A lender’s inventory is MONEY!

It’s not flowers that die on you. It’s not food that rots. It’s MONEY, MOOLAH, COIN, DINERO, SCRATCH $$.


DONE! I’ve established that the business of lending money to the masses can be very profitable!

Raising Money

This is a mindset. It’s about presentation. Practice getting good at distilling your idea into a bite sized amount. Get your business launched.

I’m not taking about immediately achieving huge scale. Just get your loan business open for business and fund a few loans. Store front, Internet, mono-line, combo… just fund a few loans!


Friends, family, peers, members of your network… will find out what you’re doing.

They will want to learn more.

Don’t be shocked when they say something along the lines of, “I have $20K sitting in the bank earning 1% per year before taxes and inflation. Could you put my money to work in your new business?

Of course you can! Offer them 6%, 8%, 10%+ per year. You can afford it when you’re grossing 500%+ APR’s on your loan portfolio!

NOTE: Not sure how I’m calculating these APR’s? Go here: Sample APR Calculations

Hiring Good People

If you’re good at raising capital, you can hire people to do everything else.

You can hire a CEO.

You can hire a lawyer.

You can hire an experienced customer service representative.

You can buy “off the shelf” loan management software.

You can subscribe to a sub-prime consumer credit reporting service.

You can hire great people to do any part of this business you choose to.


To hire right, you need a big funnel. You have to sort through a ton of leads.

You need a system; an on-boarding process.

You’ve got to learn how to do this! [This intel is in our “How to Start a Loan Business.”

The quality of your life is about the people around you.

Everything that bad happened to you in the last 10 years did not happen in a bubble.

Someone either DID or DID NOT do something to you.

That’s life.

Most problems in life are people problems.

We let the wrong – or right – people into our lives.

In business there are some whack jobs! Don’t let them in!

Now go out and BE BAD!

Jer – Trihouse Consulting

How to Start a Loan Business


Florida Payday Loan Laws

Great News for Payday Lenders, Personal Loan Lenders, & Signature Loan Lenders in Florida!

The state of Florida is eliminating much of the friction that has existed for payday loan, personal loan and signature loan businesses .

Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed Payday Loan Bill (SB 920) that doubles the current limit on payday loans from from $500 to $1,000 and enables lenders to offer 60-to-90 day loans.

Of course, the so-called “consumer advocates” (for you and me that translates into banks, credit unions, pawn shops… all our competitors) have said the new rules will create a debt trap for poor people. Ah… if only they had a clue!

Existing lenders (Amscot?) have said they needed to change the law because of potential new federal regulations. Supporters contended that payday lenders might have had to shut down without the change.

The bill authorizes deferred presentment installment transactions under Florida law.

A deferred presentment installment transaction must be fully amortizing and repayable in consecutive installments, which must be as equal as mathematically practicable. The term of a deferred presentment installment transaction may not be less than 60 days or more than 90 days and the time between installment payments must be at least 13 days but not greater than 1 calendar month.


How to Start a Loan BusinessNeed help with your loan business? For startups, invest in Course 1. More advanced? Invest in our Powerhouse Courses. Car title lending also.

The maximum face amount of a check taken for a deferred presentment installment transaction may not exceed $1,000, exclusive of fees. The maximum fees that may be charged on a deferred presentment installment transaction are 8 percent of the outstanding transaction balance on a biweekly basis.

Fees for a deferred presentment installment transaction are calculated using simple interest. Prepayment penalties are prohibited.

The bill retains current law in prohibiting a provider from entering into a deferred presentment transaction with any person who has an outstanding deferred presentment transaction or whose previous transaction has been terminated for less than 24 hours. If a drawer timely informs the provider in writing or in person that they cannot redeem or pay in full in cash the amount due and owing, the provider must provide a grace period for payment of a scheduled installment.

Effective Date: 7/1/2019


Seed/Angel Funding with Tribe Lending Enterprise [TLE] & Experienced Servicer

  • The Opportunity: Seed/Angel Funding with Tribe Lending Enterprise [TLE] & Experienced Servicer A highly experienced Team of two founders & a TLE are launching a tribal online loan portfolio in the USA. FOUNDERS’ DETAILS:
  • Founders’ contribute $1.1M cash to this launch
  • Founders’ contribute their lead aggregator company having generated 500K sub-prime consumer leads/month
  • This is not their first rodeo
  • U.S. based Team
  • Tribe lending model with a multi-pay installment loan product in 45 states.
  • Founder(s) previously successfully launched and exited tribe online loan portfolio
  • Founder(s) previously launched a highly successful online loan platform/portfolio in the most competitive, complicated state in the USA
  • Founder(s) previously serviced $20M sub-prime loan portfolio and 40K loans
  • Founders’ are family oriented – obligations, dependents, motivated, strong willed, driven, impeccable credentials… [I always favor these conditions when I collaborate.]
  • Founders’ know their loan product KPI’s. Realistic. Experienced. Well versed in Cost per Funded Loan, First Time Defaults, Customer Acquisition Costs, Lead metrics/costs…
  • Founders’ loan management software platform provides investors with 100% transparency hourly, daily, weekly, monthly… access to all accounting, reports…
  • In-house call center with highly experienced call center operations manager on Team
  • Tribe [TLE] Marketing/Servicing agreement in place with a large, sophisticated TLE – several $10M/$30M+ portfolios. • Supremely customer focused loan product offering financial literacy and credit building
  • ACH, bank accounts, CRA’s, EIN, lead generation… in place.
  • Founders have commissioned compliance officer, TLE employee(s), call center, accounting… Investor(s) • Provide $3M to be deployed year 1
  • Interest rate for investors = 15% to 24% paid quarterly
  • 15% to 50% equity to investors
  • Investor funds to be returned year 5
  • End of year 5, Investor return is $7.4M on $3M investment plus investor maintains their negotiated 15% – 50% equity in the enterprise.
  • Conservative performance estimates!

Year 3 = 80% return on loan portfolio

Year 4 = 100%

Year 5 = 125%

Year 5 Stabilize new investment money inflow = annuity of $750K/year.

As they say, “Your results may differ.”

• Exit strategy: maintain the portfolio as an “annuity” [estimated at $938K/year] or sell the loan portfolio for 2.2X. NEXT STEP?

• Email your contact information to:

• Conference call(s) • Meet each the Founders!

• Fall in love

• Nail down a Term Sheet.


Texas CAB’s, CSO’s and 3rd Party Lender FAQ’s

Texas CAB – Texas CSO- Texas 3rd Party Lender

Texas Credit Access Businesses obtain credit for a consumer from an independent third-party lender in the form of a deferred presentment transaction or a motor vehicle title loan, more commonly referred to as “payday loans” or “title loans.”

In Texas, the actual third-party lender is not licensed, rather the credit access business that serves as the broker is the licensee in this regulated industry. The credit access business charges a fee to the consumer for obtaining the third-party loan; this fee is usually calculated as a percentage of the loan amount.

Third-party lenders typically earn an initial 10% interest and often participate in consumer NSF and late fees; 12% – 14% APR’s are not uncommon.

The borrower will sign a promissory note with the lender for the actual loan and a separate credit service agreement with the credit access business. Generally, all documents are signed at the credit access business location and payments are made directly to the credit access business.

For more Texas CAB – CSO – Third Party Lender informaion: Texas CAB


Payday Loan Lender Preparing for Another Board Meeting

RIICO charges, class action lawsuits, payday loan lender annual conventions, CFPB, state AG’s… what’s a payday loan guy or gal supposed to do? Take a nap next to the boat!

Payday loans

Preparing for another challenging day while enabling average Joe’s and Jill’s to get access to small dollar loans.