
The Business of Lending: How to Loan Money to the Masses

The Business of Lending Money to the Masses!

So you know, we’ve been pounding away at the beach cottage with a small group of seriously talented consumer loan operators and lenders the past 17 days.

The results? New guides & reports updated just this week to guarantee your consumer loan business will succeed. You have questions? Challenges?

Need answers about installment lending, car title loan lending, payday loan lending, line-of-credit loan lending… ?

Here they are:

1)  “Consumer Loan Business/Payday Loan Proforma Excel Spreadsheet Tool.” We provide a solid foundation with realistic consumer lending metrics and via the Excel Spreadsheet/Macros you change them to reflect your “secret sauce.”

2) “A Guide to Consumer Loan Company Valuations.” Valuation approaches and considerations for buyers, sellers and Startups of payday loan, installment loan, check cashing, car title loan… virtually any company funding consumer loans.

3) “How to Get Your Money.” This is one of Miro’s Powerhouse Courses for helping you to collect your consumer loan bad debt. No B.S. here from Miro. Just straight “real world” collection techniques for lenders.

4) “Tribe Sovereign Nation Documentation, Term Sheets and More.” A complete package of ALL the legal docs required by tribes, lawyers, lenders, management groups, marketer/servicer teams… to successfully launch a Tribal Lending Enterprise.

5) “Texas CAB/CSO Analysis and Docs.” A complete description of how the CAB Model works, sample docs, agreements, contracts, 3rd Pary lender introductions… Everything you need to enter the HIGHLY LUCRATIVE Texas CAB/CSO consumer loan industry.

For detailed descriptions of each new “consumer loan business tool” we just created and have them delivered into your Inbox IMMEDIATELY:



Inspiration, Always Be Learning, Payday Loans in Namibia & Title Loans in Mongolia

“The Cash Converters business model [750+ locations in 18 countries] offers a three-for-one income stream for franchisees – dealing in second-hand goods, pawnbroking and micro loans,” said Mukheibir.”

I spoke with a member of Cash Converter’s Team a few months ago. And recently, I received a call from “the largest car title loan operator in Mongolia.”

This is crazy! The majority of us are so focused on US consumers that we fail to pay attention to what’s going on “in the business of lending to the masses” in other countries.

Mongolia? Namibia? Kenya? Tanzania? Afghanistan? South Africa? India? Albania? Romania? Kazakhstan…? Serious, new consumer financial platforms are revolutionizing the business of lending money and money transfer throughout the world!Continue Reading..


Lenders: This is How to Get Your Competitor’s Employees to Spill Their Guts!

Every installment loan, payday loan, car title title loan lender… all consumer lending business owners need information about their competition. As lenders in “the business of lending money to the masses,” I must know what my competition is doing!

I gotta know what’s working for other payday loan, title loan and installment lenders in my area and beyond!

Enable your competition’s employees to spill their guts!

How to “get the dirt” on your competition.

Try Run an ad.

Or, as I illustrate below, use to find experienced consumer loan customer service agents and management professionals having SERIOUS EXPERIENCE in the business of lending money.

Input “payday loans” or “car title loans” or consumer loans” or installment loans” or… into the “WHAT “ field. For “WHERE” input your location. [Recall from our “Bible” that you do NOT need a local employee for many of the employee positions needed in your consumer loan business. A remote employee living in a low cost city such as Albuquerque could certainly make collection calls or underwriting calls all day long for your consumer lending business. They could perform all your social media tasks just as well. Why pay a Houston or Los Angeles based employee to knock out your Facebook, Blog Posts, Twitter, Instagram… social media chores? No need!] Here’s a sample of my results for experienced consumer loan pros in my area of Newport Beach, Calif. Couldn’t I just as well plug in Tupelo, Mississippi, one of the cheapest US cities to live in?

Consumer Loan Business Employee Search

Consumer Loan Business Employee Search

How to Start a Consumer Loan Business: Installment Loans, Car Title Loans, Payday Loans, Consumer Loans

How to Start a Consumer Loan Business

Here’s a free template you may use to start:

Job Description


YOUR COMPANY NAME Loans is a short-term consumer finance company specializing in car title, payday loans and installment loans.

We are currently seeking a Loan Representative & an Area Manager to join our growing company and work in our YOUR CITY office.

We are actively recruiting candidates that are looking for a career opportunity with our company. We value the relationships we have cultivated in the communities we serve and expect our employees to be an example of honesty and respect when dealing with them.

YOUR COMPANY NAME Loans has a special approach to business and we only desire experienced candidates that can step up and work towards the exceptional customer service and image we represent.

Consumer Lending Daily Responsibilities to include:

• Providing customer service in person as well as over the phone.
• Processing loans and payments.
• Outbound collection calls.
• Managing defaulted accounts.
• Daily reporting.
• Daily deposits (no cash handling required).
• Handling heavy phone volume.
• General office duties.
• Marketing.

Job Requirements

To be considered eligible for our Loan Representative or Area Manager positions, you must meet the following requirements:
• 12+ months experience with a PDL/title lender (We guarantee we’ll be discreet).
• Excellent customer service skills.
• Computer proficient with full understanding of basic operating systems.
• Basic math skills.
• Excellent communication and organizational skills.
• Ability to multi-task and work in a fast-paced environment.
• Ability to handle heavy phone volume.
• Ability to advance and make serious $$.

Your competition has experienced employees who are often looking for a better situation. Often, your competitors employees are unhappy. Why? Could be they have a crappy boss, maybe the commute is too long, often there is little opportunity for advancement, not enough money… any number of reasons.

So, by reaching out in creative ways to your competition’s employees, you can open a dialog with highly experienced, qualified personnel who are able to provide you with a much different perspective on your business and more than a few tactics that will increase your funded loans, improve collections, decrease first-time defaults… 

And, when I’m lucky enough to get a superior candidate, I often hire, collaborate or at least pay them a couple of hundred bucks for their time. It just feels right.

Thinking of starting a consumer loan business but you’re not sure of where to begin?

How to Start a Consumer Loan Business: Installment lending, car title loan lending, payday loan lending, personal loan business

Click This Image for Some Light Reading 🙂 Over Your Weekend!

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2 Licensed CAB’s Available for Sale in Dallas Area-Will Sell FAST!

Hello Dear Reader, Two items of interest:

1) Two Dallas Texas CAB stores for sale immediately!

Today, we have two licensed CAB’s – exquisite targets for those of you with a desire to enter the highly lucrative Dallas, Texas consumer loan market – ready for a quick sale.

The Texas alternative financial services industry – that’s payday lending, title lending, installment loan lending, line of credit loans… is second in size only to Calif WITHOUT ALL the headaches Calif. has!

Both CAB businesses are located around the Dallas, Texas area. These are licensed CAB’s. They’ve been open for a year+. Buyer(s) can assume sellers license and does not need to be an existing CAB in the State of Texas.
The two stores:
  • Have good locations
  • Great signage
  • Excellent parking
  • State-of-the-art infrastructure
  • Both are close to major anchor stores
  • Both are clean, bright, primary colors with large windows
  • Large customer lobbies with welcoming customer counters
  • Efficient back office areas for discrete operations, safety & functionality.
  • LMS data easily exported.
  • Each location may be purchased separately
  • Each store is approx. 14 months old with roughly $20K portfolios/ea
  • Absentee business owners: New owner(s) can to scale these stores significantly with the right ownership!
  • CRITICAL: We will ignore all “requests for more information” that simply ask for more details, financials… but fail to disclose your FULL contact information. To speak to these Texas store owners, gain access to the P&L’s, visit the stores & evaluate these two opportunities, YOU MUST divulge who you are in order to be taken seriously! [Put yourself in the sellers shoes.] Texas CAB’s that are already in operation sell quickly. It’s common for Internet lenders to develop a single store front location in order to launch their loan business, secure a CAB license, a bond and then scale their loan portfolio substantially.  Email: to begin your exploration.

2) Need to improve your existing storefront or internet consumer lending operation?

FOR EXPERIENCED Payday, title and installment lenders only:

Invest in Miro’s “Powerhouse Payday or Title Loan Course. [These Courses are NOT for beginners!]

Learn how to expand your portfolio size, reduce first time defaults, increase collections, employ social media… all the advanced actions you are failing at in your business today: Click here to visit Miro’s Powerhouse Courses!

How to Start a Car Title loan Business

Learn how to become a lender.


Elephant in the Room: Consumers Use Payday Loan Products to Avoid NSF Bank Fees!

Banks and Credit Unions Force Consumers to Use Payday Loan Products!

The debate so-called “consumer advocates” [not really advocates at all; more anti-business and anti-capitalism] and payday loan advocates get into is stupid! Particularly since these anti-free market folks are peering into our financial products industry from the sidelines.

Do YOU really think banks and credit unions give a crap about their sub-prime customers? Do YOU comprehend that the majority of bank and credit union profits are generated by NSF and other mickey mouse fees they pile on consumers? Do you know who REALLY FUNDS anti-small dollar loan alternative loan products in an effort to eliminate their competition? Do you know that Google funded a payday loan company and then SLAMMED the door to payday loan product advertising on Google? The same Google whose mantra is, “Do No Wrong!”

Other than Professor Lisa Servon, who had the juevos to actually work behind the counter of a RiteCheck in the South Bronx and a payday loan lender in Oakland, California [The Unbanking of America: How the New Class Survives], these people have no clue about the financial needs and measured choices our payday loan, installment loan, and car title loan borrower must make every day.

The misunderstanding about our  loan  fees is a result of the lack of knowledge about WHY payday loan borrowers CHOOSE our payday loan, car title loan and installment loan products to solve daily financial challenges. Our alternative loan products exist simply because of bank and credit union non-sufficient funds [NSF] Fees.

Nobody “gets” the “business of lending money to the masses” with more thought and empathy than those of us who are on the firing lines, talking and counseling our customers every hour, every day!

Want to see the numbers?

Lets examine the APR formula from a payday lending perspective:

APR = (charge/term) * 365

This APR formula breaks down the APR component to a daily figure and then multiplies that calculation to the annual percentage rate [APR]. This isn’t an amortization formula. That is for our installment loan products.

Principle: $100
Interest: $20 dollars per hundred
Term: bi weekly

APR = (20/14) * 356 = 521%

We all know these are relatively static numbers in our industry. The majority of  states have regulated payday loan fees to approximately $15  per $100 loaned to consumers. Of course, there are exceptions; Texas is but one example.


Let’s examine a typical NSF/overdraft bank/credit union scenario.

After my 20+ years working with payday loan customers, I’ve learned that the MAJORITY of our customers seek a payday loan product in order to avoid overdraft charges. Because overdraft charges tend to be charged on a per transaction basis, here is an example of what a typical customer would experience when they overdraft $100 dollars from their bank.

Check Amount      Bank/Credit Union NSF Charge         Balance
$20                                   $35                                                -$55
$40                                   $35                                                -$130
$30                                   $35                                                -$195
$10                                    $35                                                -$240

Overdraft Amount: $100
Bank/Credit Union NSF/Overdraft Charges: $140
Balance: -$240

This is a REAL example. We make payday loans, installment loans and car title loans for customers who overdraft 5 – 10 times on a single $100 balance. Customers come to payday lenders because they easily determine that they are actually SAVING money by employing our alternative loan products to solve their financial challenges.

Put yourself in our borrower’s shoes.

How much would you prefer to pay in fees to borrow $100.00? $140 from your bank? Or $15 to $25 [depends on your state] from us; your friendly small dollar loan provider who is available 6 days per week at a minimum and has store hours enabling you to get off work and visit our store at a time that is convenient for YOU, the borrower.

Banks and credit unions get their money back in LESS than 2 weeks. After all, the borrower’s bank is at “the front of the line” to the borrower’s checking account. The bank takes their money FIRST! Zero risk!! A lot of banks charge a daily fee if your bank account is in the negative. With all that to think about, let’s be CONSERVATIVE and say the bank gets their money back on the next paycheck. And lets forget about that daily negative balance charge.

Here is what the APR formula for a bank “NSF loan”would look like:

Bank/Credit Union APR = (140/14) * 356 = 3650%

3650%!! Are you kidding me?

And, this ignores additional HEAVY financial factors – the shorter term, the daily negative balance charges… If we calculate those figures into the bank’s APR, we’d be looking at a 10,000% APR!

Ladies and gentlemen, regulators and politicians, it’s time to understand that there is absolutely NO DIFFERENCE between the interest we charge and the “overdraft charge” that banks pocket EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT PAYDAY LOAN PRODUCTS ARE CHEAPER AND SMARTER for the CONSUMER! At the end of the day, both scenarios are exactly the same: interest on money loaned.

The only difference is the price: 521% APR for a payday loan versus 3650% APR for the bank.

Don’t believe my numbers because you think I’m biased?Overdraft fees have reached their highest level since 2009, which was at the end of the Great Recession. Consumers paid $34.3 billion in overdraft fees during 2017 compared to $33.3 billion in 2016, The New York Post reported.Mar 29, 2018.”

How to Start a Consumer Loan Business: Installment lending, car title loan lending, payday loan lending, personal loan business

Click This Image for Some Light Reading 🙂 Over Your Weekend!

Banks boast that their interest rates are around 8% APR, but do our customers have access to them? Show me a bank that will hand out a $300 loan at 8% APR to someone who has a credit score in the 400 – 500’s and I’ll place you on the lap of Santa Claus. It won’t happen because it’s simply not profitable for banks. The reality is that banks boast about their 8% APR loan which are made ONLY available to the rich (with perfect credit scores), while secretly charging the middle to lower class customers more than 2000% on small loans.

The fact is, the majority of society is in the middle class to lower class income bracket today. They need 3 “gig jobs” to live with a roommate, deal with their student debt, make their car lease and EAT. Banks don’t make nearly as much by lending to the rich; APRs are too low and the probability of them paying back the bank is nearly guaranteed.

Banks make the MAJORITY of their money on NSF/Overdraft charges. In a society which lives mostly from paycheck to paycheck it is almost a sure thing that everyone will overdraft their bank accounts once or twice a year at minimum. But that is a whole other subject.

Want to learn how to help consumers avoid these crazy high bank and credit card fees?

Want to learn “how to lend money to the masses?

Invest in our quarterly updated “bible” of lending, “How to Lend Money to the Masses Course.” We reveal everything you need to know. Installment loans, car title loans, payday loans, licensing, contracts, location, software, how to begin, collections, underwriting, phone scripts… Here’s a link to our “Table of Contents.” Instant download in Adobe Acrobat PDF.

How to Start a Consumer Loan Business: Installment lending, car title loan lending, payday loan lending, personal loan business

Click This Image for Some Light Reading 🙂 Over Your Weekend!

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