
Tip #6: How to Sell Your Payday Loan Business

10,000 “Baby Boomers” turn 65 years old every single day!

I know, based on the calls and emails I receive every day, several of these “Boomers” own payday, car title and installment loan businesses they want to sell.

Why sell? Retirement, divorce, tired, start another business, personal need for cash, partnership problems, key employee quit, want to move to Texas/Florida/Arizona…

And what’s the #1 problem I see when I evaluate one of these “consumer loan businesses?”

The seller has failed to prepare their consumer lending business to be sold! You can’t just wake up one morning and decide to sell your payday loan business, your car title loan store, your consumer lending company…

So, what to do? A concrete step a seller can do today? [NOTE: This Tip is an excerpt from our “How to Loan Money to the Masses Profitably – The Bible.”]

  • Make the decision today that you want/need to prepare your business to be sold 2 years from today. [Even, if it’s unlikely you WILL want to sell, your goal must be to PREPARE your business for sale!]
  • Don’t ever issue equity to retain your key employees! It makes a sale of your business too complicated! Use a “Stay Bonus.” A “Stay Bonus” is a cash reward paid to your key employee(s) as a reward for staying with your consumer loan business through the sales transition to the new buyer.
    • Often, the buyer needs somebody who knows the business, the customers, the loan management system… and can keep the business running after the seller departs.
    • I’ve been involved in the purchase and sale of a LOT of payday loan & consumer lending businesses over the years. Many of these businesses are purchased by absentee owners. OFTEN, they absolutely insist the seller’s key employee(s) must remain after their purchase. So… how does the seller guarantee this will happen?
    • Basically, as you prepare your consumer loan business for sale down the road, you create a long-term cash reward program for your key employee(s).
    • IN A NUTSHELL: you set aside a cash amount equivalent to your key employee’s annual bonus in an account specifically targeted for each employee you want to remain on board through a sale. Allow your key employee to withdraw 1/3 of this account’s balance each year AFTER a 3 year waiting period!
    • Why is this important? If your key employee walks away from your company, they must make the decision to walk away from a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF CASH AS WELL.
    • What else? When selling your company, at some point you’ll have to disclose this to your key employee. When you’re “selling” your key employee on your plan to sell your consumer loan company, you can “top up” the balance in the special “Stay Bonus” account you setup on their behalf.
    • Why this is important? Your key employee is richly rewarded for HELPING YOU SELL YOUR BUSINESS, to remain with your company and the new buyer and to make certain the sale of your business is successful FOR ALL PARTIES! WIN-WIN!

For more ideas, strategies and tactics for “How to Lend Money to the Masses Profitably,” get a copy of our newly updated “Bible” downloaded to your Inbox within 30 seconds: CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR COPY IMMEDIATELY.

How to Start a Consumer Loan Business: Installment Loans, Car Title Loans, Payday Loans, Consumer Loans

How to Start a Consumer Loan Business


Operation Choke Point: The Saga Continues & Dept. Heads at Dept. of Justice, FDIC & OCC SHOULD Roll!

This in from American Banker:

By: Dennis Shaul CFSA

“The small-dollar lending industry has long known that government bureaucrats with a partisan agenda were determined to bring the industry to its knees, but this illegal campaign went farther than anyone could have imagined — with those at the very highest levels of the Department of Justice, FDIC and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency targeting customers of regulated banks based on their personal bias.”

“Government officials abused their power to press forward with their own ideological agenda. Then, faced with a demand for accountability, they denied wrongdoing and sought to cover up their misdeeds. This is not a small-dollar lending story; this is a story of government agencies debasing their missions through the abuse of power.”

“Fortunately, the Community Financial Services Association, which I run, could afford the cost of a lawsuit and seek redress in the courts. CFSA was an original party to the lawsuit brought against the government and we participated in the preparation leading up to its filing in 2014. Our reasons for pursing a legal challenge to the actions of the FDIC and OCC were simple. First, we were seeking justice for our members who were harmed. Second, we were convinced there was a deliberate pattern of terminations of banking relationships that we wanted to bring to light. Third, if there was indeed a pattern, we’d be rendering a genuine public service by establishing the principle that no agency or group of people within an agency should be allowed to abuse their authority by exercising it in an unlawful or prejudicial manner. “

Here’s a link to the Full American Banker opinion piece by Dennis Shaul: Original


The Future of Lending to the Masses

By: Jer-Trihouse. At this year’s NJ Tech Council FinTech Conference, held in September in Jersey City, Ron Suber, president emeritus and senior adviser at Prosper (San Francisco), a FinTech lending startup, spoke about the future of FinTech and the opportunities for startups getting into the area now.

Here are  just a couple of the points he made:

  • This is now the “Big Bang” moment in artificial intelligence (AI). “We see State Street and other banks buying AI companies because they want to take all those people in the call center and turn them into bots, using alternative information and intelligence.”
  • Startups have an opportunity in FinTech because the customer is evolving. Much as Spotify killed Apple Music and Pandora, startups can get in there and disrupt. People in their ’20s want something different. In response, capital markets are changing, data is changing. “It’s your job to understand all the pressure points.”
  • If you are running an innovative FinTech company and raising funds, you will not only have to explain what you will do with the money, but also how you’ll be able to deal with the pressure created by this next generation. Remember, the children of traditional customers don’t even enter banks, except to get a roll of quarters.
If you’re a brick & mortar lender, your future is dim. Same day funding is here. Your borrower’s phone will continue to be their 1st choice as a conduit to getting MONEY into their account or on their card. Your demographic is dying. I’m not saying your store will close tomorrow BUT you must begin to address this reality TODAY and focus on building the skill sets required to succeed as a lender in this new reality.
Need help with this? Selling? Buying? Reach out! DISCREET is my middle name: Jer at Trihouse Consulting
Thanks for being a loyal email subscriber. We appreciate hearing from you. Let us know if you ever have any questions.
EAT A LOT OF TURKEY, cranberries, cornbread… and enjoy your FAMILY! Unfathomable opportunities abound and time is precious! We’re THE LUCKIEST people to have lived on Planet earth! Enjoy the RIDE!!
Jer Trihouse 702-208-6736 Cell
Knowledge Store: Tribe & State-by-State Licensing Models

Great News: CFPB Payday Loan Lending Rule Stayed! Opportunities Abundant

Consumers WIN BIG! CFPB payday loan rule shut down!! And DEALS/OPPORTUNITIES are immense today.

Frankly, there has never been a better time to be “lending money to the masses.”

  • Demand for credit by borrowers is huge.
  • Stats are all over the map – depending on the source – but something like 60% of US households do not have access to $1000 cash in an emergency.
  • The big sub-prime lending season is almost upon us.
  • Jobs and ability to pay us back are through the roof.
  • Consumer optimism is sky high.
  • Washington D.C is not likely to devise too many roadblocks that could stifle all this enthusiasm.


U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel reversed a previous order and grantedContinue Reading..


The CFPB- Like Giving Whiskey & Car Keys to Teenagers – More Good News for Lenders

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. [P.J. O’Rourke.]

It’s a fact that things are looking really good for those of us who make it our “business to lend money to the masses!”

Yeah, it’s competitive out there! Yep, there is a lot of fraud. FTD [first time defaults] are scaling up.

CAC ‘s are on the increase. Elevate revealed a funded loan costs them $225 each. Enova is close. On the other hand, we have portfolios with <$80 CAC’s and <12% FTPD’s.

The economy is blazing along, average folks feel good about Continue Reading..