
42,000,000 Adults Over 50 In Deep Financial Trouble in Need of Creative Loan Products

A quick scan of the media headlines leads the average reader to conclude all is well in the U.S. economy.

42,000,000 U.S adults 50+ years old are BROKE! Did they count the homeless?

Hell, if you’re in the business of lending money to the masses, you might conclude that you should shut the doors, layoff all your employees, and open a yogurt shop.

Then, there’s this: The Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI), the “nation’s authority on consumer financial health,” together with AARP Foundation, a “national leader in the fight to end senior poverty,” announced the release of a new report based on the U.S. Financial Health Pulse report data that shows 83 percent (42 million) of the estimated 50 million low- to moderate-income people over the age of 50 (LMI 50+) living in America are struggling with some or all of the components of their financial lives.”

how to start a payday loan company

How to Start a Loan Biz

According to the press release, this report, “Redesigning the Financial Roadmap for LMI 50+ Segment: New Challenges and Opportunities,” offers an in-depth look at the increasing financial insecurity of LMI 50+ and the major factors contributing to a more complex financial reality for them than for past generations.

This study revealed that the 50+-year-old demographic want to retire but can’t; they’re broke!

The bottom line according to this Report? It’s a B&*(((tch when you hit 50! No savings. Loss of home in 2008 – renting now, living with kids and grand-kids, medical issues [obesity]…

There was even an expose in I believe the NYT that revealed seniors are “on the hook” for their children’s student debt because Grandma co-signed. [Are you aware student debt cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy?]

The report identified specific financial challenges facing the LMI 50+:

The Report summed up:

  • More than half (51%) have liquid savings of less than three months of expenses, and only a quarter (26%) have an emergency savings account.
  • More than 6 in 10 (61%) indicate they don’t have savings in an employer-provided or individual retirement account. For those with savings in either account, the median amount is $20,000, far less than recommended for a comfortable retirement.
  • The vast majority (81%) have some amount of debt, with half (48%) reporting their debt isn’t manageable.
  • More than a third (36%) with debt report that their debt has delayed or prevented them from saving for retirement.

LMI 50+ Medical Shocks & Multi-generational Living

  • Overall, 38% had to forgo health care or medication in the past year because they couldn’t afford it.
  • Nearly a third (31%) indicate they’re supporting someone financially who lives outside of their household.
  • Households of three or more people report having higher financial stress (87%) than households with one or two individuals (82%). Of households with three or more people, 83% report that their financial stress leads to negative impacts on their family life.

Why is this important to you?

OPPORTUNITY! These folks need a multitude of loan products that work for them. The LMI 50+ demographic is invisible to the majority of lenders in the marketplace today

The Report goes on to state, this LMI 50+ Demographic:

  • Are open to using digital technology to manage aspects of their financial lives.
  • Appreciate being able to monitor transactions and pay bills online.
  • Care about security, but not in a way that limits the use of technology.
  • Desire relevant, actionable financial education and coaching for everyday financial management.
  • Use technology-centric innovations, but have different levels of comfort with high-tech vs. high-touch engagement.

FINALLY, for all my PC [that’s politically correct] readers, rather than attack check cashers, pawn shops, small-dollar lenders… while locking your gate-guarded community entrance tight, [Don’t look at me! We have a bridge, not a gate.] build a team, create a loan product that you define as fair, make some $$, give back to your community and help a little! PS: Don’t leave banks and credit unions out of your attacks! They are not the answer! And then, there are the money transfer businesses working with these banks who charge as much as $25 in fees to transfer $100 to El Salvador, the Philippines… Go Ripple, Bitcoin, Stellar, EOS… Crypto.


Operation Choke Point: FDIC Surrenders to Payday & Small Dollar Loan Industry

Great news for “the business of lending to the masses!” Thanks to the heavyweights in our industry, Advance America and Check Into Cash, consumers continue to win. Consumer access to a multitude of choices when dealing with temporary financial setbacks prevails.

“We uncovered how some FDIC leaders and officials executed a campaign motivated by personal scorn for our industry, contempt for our millions of customers, and blatant disregard for due process. This settlement will help to prevent this disenfranchisement from happening again – to our business or any other legal, regulated business.” Chief Legal Officer Jessica Rustin, Advance America.

It took 5 years but “Operation Choke Point” has been dealt a SEVERE blow. 

Consumers, lenders, and vendors all owe a HUGE thank you to these companies and those of you who support the industry associations and participated on this long, arduous, expensive journey!

SPARTANBURG, S.C.PRNewswire/ — Advance America and Check Into Cash announced today that they have reached a settlement with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) regarding Operation Choke Point, the FDIC program that pressured banks to cut ties with certain categories of lawful businesses, including payday lenders.

“Five years after taking the extreme and costly step of suing federal regulators, we are pleased with the FDIC’s actions to address past efforts to cut off our companies’ access to the U.S. banking system,” said Jessica Rustin, Advance America’s Chief Legal Officer. “We uncovered how some FDIC leaders and officials executed a campaign motivated by personal scorn for our industry, contempt for our millions of customers, and blatant disregard for due process. This settlement will help to prevent this disenfranchisement from happening again – to our business or any other legal, regulated business.”

As a result of this settlement agreement, the FDIC will issue a statement to reiterate its policies. The FDIC previously acknowledged that certain employees acted in a manner inconsistent with FDIC policies and existing guidance with respect to payday lenders, creating misperceptions about its policies. These attempts have proven ineffective in resolving the issue.

The steps taken as part of this settlement are consistent with statements made by FDIC Chair Jelena McWilliams, who declared in a letter to members of Congress earlier this year that “[r]egulatory threats, undue pressure, coercion, and intimidation designed to restrict access to financial services for lawful businesses have no place at this agency.”

“While the FDIC took steps to reinforce its policies with staff and the industry, the effects of Operation Choke Point linger, with banks continuing to terminate accounts and refuse services to payday lenders,” said Greg Madson, Chief Legal Officer at Check Into Cash. “It is our hope that this settlement clarifies once and for all the FDIC’s policies so that banks feel free to provide services to lawful businesses operating in compliance with applicable federal and state laws, without fear of regulatory pressure or retribution.”

The FDIC will conduct training of its examination workforce on these policies by the end of 2019 to ensure that its examiners adhere to the highest standards of conduct and respect the rule of law. The training will specifically include matters related to Operation Choke Point.

Lastly, the FDIC has established a robust complaint process through which information regarding potential violations of these policies may be investigated. If banks or customers continue to be concerned that FDIC personnel are not following the FDIC’s policies regarding Operation Chokepoint, they may email the FDIC at

In June 2014, the Community Financial Services Association of America (CFSA), the national association for small-dollar lenders, joined industry partners and its largest member companies, Advance America and Check Into Cash, to file the lawsuit, Advance America et al. v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. et al., to end Operation Choke Point and the government’s persistent regulatory overreach. Discovery exposing depositions and damaging emails of government officials, most notably at the FDIC, was released in October 2018 as part of the Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment in the lawsuit. The settlement is the result of court-ordered mediation prior to a judge’s ruling on summary judgment.

“Certain FDIC officials operated well outside of the rule of law and disregarded due process when they targeted lawful businesses under Operation Choke Point,” said Dennis Shaul, CEO of the Community Financial Services Association of America (CFSA). “Regulatory policy must never be predicated on personal preferences and this settlement should make clear that such abuses of power will not be tolerated.”

About Advance America Cash Advance 
Founded in 1997, Advance America, Cash Advance Centers, Inc. is the country’s leading provider of non-bank cash advance services, with approximately 1,900 centers across the country. The Company is a founding member of the Community Financial Services Association of America (CFSA), whose mission is to promote laws that provide substantive consumer protections and to encourage responsible industry practices. Please visit for more information.

About Check Into Cash 
Founded in Cleveland, Tennessee in 1993 by entrepreneur and philanthropist Allan Jones, the Check Into Cash brand is a state licensed and regulated small balance lender. Check Into Cash stores offer check cashing, Western Union® money transfers, prepaid U.S. Money Cards, and other convenient services as a complete One Stop Money Shop®.

Check Into Cash is a founding member of the Community Financial Services Association of America (CFSA), the trade association representing the nation’s payday lenders. The CFSA advocates for best practices and helps enact legislation that balances the needs of the consumer with the interests of the industry.


Ending Debt Traps in the Payday and Small Dollar Credit Industry

Financial Services Committee

Payday loans, small dollar loans… the pros and cons of a federally mandated 36% APR. Where do folks go if small-dollar lenders are forced underground? No doubt, more than a few legislators “get” that the elimination of small-dollar loan products does not solve the basic problem: 70% of US households cannot get their hands on $500 cash in an emergency! [Watch the Video below.] Yes, this is horrible. Yes, few of my readers here can relate to this fact. Unemployment is at record lows. Our economy is kicking ass! Employers are struggling to secure talented employees. And yet, we have a problem. The publicly traded lenders are an easy way to gain a bit of transparency. ENOVA reported they’ll loan $1.2B. CURO  reported just over $1B for their year. Robert Sherrill, CEO, Imperial Cleaning Systems is a convicted felon who used small-dollar loans to make ends meet and establish a successful business after serving time. The “Financial Services Committee” is SO BIASED and uninformed while residing in their Ivory Towers, that they actually accused Mr. Sherrill of testifying favorably about payday loans “in order to get clemency from President Trump!” Egads… House Financial Services subcommittee on consumer protection and financial institutions hearing, “Ending Debt Traps in the Payday and Small Dollar Credit Industry.” Here’s the Video to the Hearing:

Check Cashing Store Opportunity Available: Philadelphia, PA.


Well established for decades. Licensed by the State of Pennsylvania Banking Department.  Owner is retiring and wants to sell. [A “Baby Boomer…”

Check cashing breakout

  • Payroll 60% (average fee 1.5%)
  • Government/tax refunds 20% (fee 2%)
  • Attorney checks/settlement 10% (fee 2%)
  • Commercial check cashing 10% (fee 1.5%)  big room to grow here.
  • Gross sales: 2018
  • Check cashing 12.3 million
  • Bill payments 2.7 million
  • Wire transfer $925,000
  • Money Orders 3.5 million
  • Debit cards $106,000
  • Store grosses approximately $150,000 per year
  • The building is owned by the seller. A long-term lease is available! [The location also has a basement if needed to store the piles of cash you make!]
  • Note to my astute readers: “Operation Chokepoint,” MSB licensing and banking not an issue for the buyer.

Services currently offered:

  • Check cashing
  • Western Union wire transfer
  • Western Union money orders
  • Bill pay via check free pay
  • Nexis prepaid debit
  • Lotto
  • EBT
  • ATM (lease, they pay per transaction)

Want to explore this “Buy then Build” opportunity?


Mercenary Available for Hire: Ex-Advance America & Dollar Finance Exec. for Small Dollar Loan Companies…

Consumer Loan Mercenary for Hire

An extraordinary payday, installment, car title, and line-of-credit executive with a deep skill set in “the business of lending money to the masses – profitably” is available to 10X your consumer loan business.

Dean has contributed to the success of more than a few of the biggest lenders in our space! Advance America, Dollar Financial, Money Mart… he started as a single-store operator years ago!

The best part? Dean is open to any and all “creative” collaborations!

Does your consumer loan business need immediate help with?

  • Profitability?
  • Collections?
  • New Loan Originations?
  • CAC [Customer Acquisition Costs]?
  • FTPD [First Time Payment Defaults]?
  • Employee training?
  • Audits?
  • Compliance?
  • Marketing Spend?
  • Charge-offs?
  • Identifying Key Metrics to Analyze, Utilize & Inform Decision Making?
  • Operating Expense Reduction?
  • Increase Top Line Revenue?
  • Preparation of your Business to be Sold?
  • Identifying acquisitions?
  • Recruit, coach & develop team members; align your “owner” incentives with employee “interests” to achieve an extraordinary ROI?

Fact: Not many “true” operations exec’s are available in today’s environment who can deliver a 10X to your ROI! Most are full of B.S!

Want to explore!

Meanwhile, go make some Serious Money!

Jer – Trihouse